
So I'm reading this thing and...wait...President Obama, "And finally, using some of the war savings to put people back to work on infrastructure -- roads, bridges."

What the fuck is "war savings"?!

That's not real money. That's "pull bullshit budgets out of your ass with a phony term" speak.

Goddamn't, this pisses me off.

Anyone want to guess how many children died today in Afghanistan or Pakistan directly because of the decisions of President Obama? Or how many 19 year old American boys and girls have one less eye, one less finger, or one less arm, today, because of Obama? Too fucking many – that’s the answer – too fucking many. You want "War Savings", then end the fucking wars.

"War savings" FUCK YOU!

[edit] Also - Obama's trying to take policy credit for ending the Iraq War - the only problem is that Obama and the United States didn't want the Iraq War to end when it did, they were actually negotiating to extend the war in September 2011 until 2013/4.

You know who ended the War in Iraq? Bradley Manning & Wikileaks.

It was the Iraq War Logs leak that pissed off the Iraqi provincial government enough that they told Obama's representatives to get the fuck out. Obama didn't have shit to do with that - we would still have soldiers in Iraq, today, if Obama got his way.
(your comment, that is)
RObamny's economic plan: Continue letting the bankers steal everything that isn't nailed down.…

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