News Feb 23, 2013 at 10:06 am


That body in a water tank story is so good, it's been in "Good Morning, News!" THREE DAYS IN A ROW! Is that a record?
Todd: Cleotha Staples' death has also been mentioned two days running, but you have to go over the End Hits to read about Kevin Ayers' death, and no one reads End Hits.
3 Bradley 'Traitor' Manning protest?
@ frankieb:

So, what about the guy in the street that witnesses a sexual assault or murder and reports it -- is he a 'traitor', too?
ahhh, your precise logic has made me re-evaluate my own ideals about what to expect of a fellow serviceman.
@ frankieb:

Yeah, i get that it stings when one of your own airs some shameful, dirty laundry out for all to see, but try to think of it in a context outside of the military organization.

When i hear the word 'traitor', i think of somebody sleeping with the enemy. But it's not like this guy sent out coordinates to our secret bases and hidden missile silos to Al Qaeda, Iran, and North Korea -- none of our boys were put in any extra danger because of what he leaked -- he simply lifted a(nother) curtain that exposed some of our actions for what they really are: war crimes.

Yeah, it's embarrassing. And, yeah, i'm sure things like this make us *even more* hated in many parts of the world. But if we're not prepared to own up to and be held accountable for our deliberate actions, then perhaps we shouldn't behave in such ways in the first place.

Step 1 is admission. Step 2 is cleaning house.
I think it safe to assume you have never served in any of our armed services....for if you had you would likely have another view.
I was a 97Bravo ( counter-intel analyst) in the US Army. This MOS requires a security clearance much like the one Private Manning held. It is made more than clear that sharing data and information considered classified will lead to the government giving you a good ass-fucking. Chances are likely that Pvt. Manning will die in prison.
C'mon, frankieb.

You seem like a cool enough/smart enough guy -- you're not a proponent of gunning down innocent civilians, and your not proud of your leaders that try to sweep things like that under the rug.

It's a much bigger stain on the country/organization (and humanity itself) to try to hide it and vengefully go after anyone who tries to shed some light upon it than it is to come clean and say, "Fuck. We fucked up. Some fucked-up-shit happened and we are not proud of it. We are doing our best to make sure that these mistakes (war crimes) (<---what a funny term, right?) are not repeated."

I realize that horrible things like these are pretty much inevitable in war, but hiding them only helps to encourage and perpetuate such atrocities.

(And, as you well know, there are plenty of active and retired soldiers that share my sentiments, namely those that are ashamed and saddened when innocent civilians are wantonly killed...)

And @ iceprez:
While i'm hoping your last line is inaccurate, i'm not holding my breath -- you are probably right on with that prediction.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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