
@ WSH:

Just like the bartender that can be held responsible for the deaths of people killed by a drunk driver that he/she served one too many drinks to, so too should you be held responsible for any walls/children that i punch as a result of you placing this horrible, shameful crap within range of my eyes and ears. This was the proverbial last straw. My knuckles are crying out to be bruised and broken on bricks and young faces because of you.

Yeah, i know you wrote your little disclaimer at the beginning, but still, fuck you.

And an extra special 'fuck you' to those responsible for that jingle at the end.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves for living in such a world.
You were weak-minded enough to actually watch that, human? Don't blame Steve. Well, there's plenty of stuff to blame him for, but posting this brain grenade with the pin about to fall out isn't one of them. Who picks up a grenade?
I never said that i wasn't weak-minded. And WSH should know that by now. How's that saying go? -- "With great power comes great responsibility"? -- Well, he just pissed all over that one with extra-yellow morning piss.

My whole day is ruined because of this. I won't be able to crack a smile or stop shaking my head until i pass out later tonight with scotch-drool on my pillow (or the floor).

(All the same, you better believe that i'm going to buy a TIVO thingy and TIVO the shit out of this show.)

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