News Oct 25, 2013 at 9:29 am


"If you can talk, you can breathe." - That IS the training we got in the Army. The Heimlich and CPR both break ribs, and a field tracheotomy is really dangerous. If someone says "I'm choking! I can't breathe!" they may be in bad shape but they're still getting SOME air. It's not yet time for a non-doctor with no tools to jump in and start trying to force things.
Thanks, Buster Bluth
That makes sense, Reymont...when you're in the field. But this happened in the middle of a major city, with all kinds of options available to the officer, including the most simple and obvious: pressing a button and muttering a few words in order to get medical help on the way. Nobody is saying the cop should've "jump[ed] in and start[ed] trying to force things".

Also: "LAPD rules...require officers to call for paramedics when somebody in their custody requests medical treatment."
@ Human - When I left my comment, the wording in the article above was different, and there was no link to the original source. The version I commented on made it sound like the cops should have tried something themselves while everyone was waiting for an ambulance.
Fair enough, Reymont.

Booo, Denis -- look at what you've caused. I hope you're happy with yourself, rabble-rouser.
There wasn't initially a link. That's true. I fixed that. But the wording in this post stayed absolutely the same. I know this, because I was off on Friday (aside from this post) and refired up the laptop for just the few seconds it required to add the link, after another reader helpfully emailed to say it was missing.

Unless Reymont's saying the LAT article changed?

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