Sex Oct 28, 2013 at 10:44 am


Who the fuck is getting up and leaving the house at 2am? Hell, even being awake at that time seems like a cruel joke. The best booty calls are are at like 5pm. Then you've still got time to make dinner and watch the latest Dancing With The Stars.
Graham, as romantic as that sounds, that's not a "let me hit it" situation. What you have described, is a relationship forming. Booty calls are hit it and quit it.

The best booty call text I've ever received is a blank text. No words. It was like our own made up bat signal. If he sent out the bat signal (blank text) and i replied with a bat signal (blank text) then we knew he was on his way.
Best one I ever received was "SEX IS DUMB BUT I WANT IT."
So Bri, in other words, you're saying you told him to come on over?
Some of those one-liners are great -- but it seems to me you should tailor the message to the reciever.
I have done this many times. Usually with a simple "hey" or "still out?" More than once, I have been passed out when they got here, and not heard them knock. I go through a lot of socks these days.

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