
Wow, that's just ... sociopathically opportunistic of her. I personally think the world wouldn't be worse off without her.
The full story is - it's a small town. The boys' parents have been spreading rumors that she was drunk at the time of the accident and there was a police cover-up of the evidence, for some reason.

The boys' parents just filed a massive lawsuit against her, alleging both of those things. So she responded with this lawsuit, in retaliation.

I hope she doesn't really think the things in the lawsuit, but if they're going to keep trying to ruin her life because their kids were riding at night in dark colors and in the middle of the lane, I'm not surprised she's striking back legally.
Ruin her life? She's still alive.
@bd - Did she do anything wrong?
You mean, besides manslaughter?
@Reymont: Fuck you. You have no empathy and are not worthy of being a person.
Hey, the court system found her innocent, that it wasn't her fault. You're all so upset that something bad happened that you want to blame *somebody,* regardless of whether there's any proof it was their fault.

Go fuck yourself Graham - it might make you feel better to punish an innocent person, but that's because you lack empathy and don't deserve to be a person.
Wow @Graham, confuse the definition of empathy often?
How did they get ran over by an SUV if they were riding a breast?

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