
"Uplifting visit from Jesse Jackson"? Did he shake down the crowd after promoting racial hatred?
Disappointed to see that you were not tasered or maced for your ignorance.
I kinda think they made their point already.
At this point it seems like they are just wanting to fight with the cops.
And to my own stalker out their in Blogland: yeah, those wearing masks are still idiots.
Thank you and Cameron for documenting that night to ensure police spin of the events is held accountable.
Did you show the cops your press pass? The Merc really ought to provide all it's reporters with a press pass, as well as a fresh supply of cell phone batteries and back up cell phone. If the marches were illegal, then the police could have prevented trouble by stopping them in the first place, rather then to let them continue to the breaking point. The supposed protestors who sat on the hood of the copmobile, were probably plain clothed police officers. The marchers were likely set up; victims of their own foolishness.
Glad you are ok, I wish I could have been there but my health says no. It is good the young people are stepping up, it has been lonely out there so a long time.
Wildly inappropriate behavior from the police. They need to be held accountable but I'm not holding my breath. There is no right to protest in this country or in this city. And it seems most prople are okay with that, unfortunately. Great reporting as usal , Dennis.
Thanks for documenting
Thanks for reporting... Being there... Being human and vulnerable. Don't ya think the cops kinda freaked cause people were in/on/blocking their own turf/precinct?
Officer Dick Storm.
The response from the PPB last night was completely out of line. When protestors tried to march across the bridges blocking them shut down the bridge for a longer period of time then if the marchers would have been allowed to go across. When a protester climbed atop a police vehicle, instead of arresting the person the police got in the vehicle, started it, and drove off with the person on top. When protestors were doing the "die-in" police could have ordered everyone to leave or face arrest. Then arrest those that were practicing civil-disobedience, but instead they charged in from all sides in a show of force and illegally detained everyone. The PPBs actions are shameful.
Sergeant Dick Stainbrook. These names!
Sorry, Denis, from the Twitter record it appears that the mayor didn't notice you. He was too busy celebrating #SmallBusinessSaturday. Anyway, thanks for posting a record of what happened.
You should have an external charger for your phone.
Hey Denis, its Bryan Denson from The Oregonian. Strong story. I was about to join the moving demo last night when Portland police let the Rev. Jesse Jackson into the Justice Center and allowed a few of us to go in for a followup interview. Mike Lloyd, our veteran photojournalist, joined the march and was there for the stun grenades. Police knocked him to the ground and he lost his phone in the stampede. So, after 32 years of covering protests on the East, Gulf, and West coasts, I missed the literal fireworks.
Is there yet another 'protest' going on today?
Mike Lloyd's excellent essay about the night just got posted. Here's the link:
Look at the bright side. At least the arrests gave you something to write about. Good job anarchists and run of the mill 20 something delinquents. The more raucous your protests get, the more police will respond. But that's what you really want, isn't it? Sadly the only people out there genuinely protesting the MB outcome are completely delusional. The fellers crossing the line better be careful not to pull a michael brown. A police officer out there doing their job may not be willing to lose their life over it. In all your passion to ramp things up to riot level you might do something even stupider. But by all means go fer it if you want to be the next protester child for dumbassery.
Thanks, Denis.
you guys are all retarded. your just digging a hole and acting blindly. you don't want to fight, if you did you'd be more focused on strategy than highlights of the action that should have never went down had that retard jessie jackson had a brain. you go to war following a pansy with no plan you deserve to get locked up.
Why does everyone hate The Police so much? Synchronicity is one of the best albums of all time!
I appreciate the honest chronicle, including your own mistakes and reconsiderations. When you noticed your own bitterness, you stepped back. You're a good man. Thank you for being out there. You put a very human face on the events
Thank you, Denis. Great work.
Thanks for reporting Denis, Stay safe out there.
Denis, I like your spirit and courage. Thanks for keeping us posted.

I have been in Portland a year and a half. I have not seen one black cop. Total equality out here sure has a ways to go.
I met my first husband at a riot. When he yanked open my car door and said "join us , I need you bad", I knew the party had begun.
Word up
The DOJ needs to mount yet another investigation into the Portland Police Bureau and the incompetent Charlie Hales. As Judge Simon pointed out, our Independent Police Review has no teeth. A complaint should also be filed with the Multnomah DA's office.
BTW, complaining to the DOJ is easy: 202-514-2000.

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