Anonymous Jul 28, 2011 at 4:19 pm


You're right-- you DIDN'T become a pop culture feminist writer. Thank god some people did, and I for one DON'T want to see them give it up!

I'm a satisfied Bitch reader (both online and print) and I think your hyperbolic criticisms are wildly unwarranted. Because this magazine used to delight and inspire you, you think they then personally owe you a specific something for the rest of your life, and if they don't deliver this exact something you will venomously turn on them? Bitch, like the rest of us, have to change and evolve with their industry. Small feminist publications are not the enemy, and though you meant it sarcastically, they ARE an ever so valuable contribution to society.

Comparing Bitch to Jezebel and telling them to "pack up shop and move the fuck on" is appalling for so many reasons. Your toxic "feminist vs. feminist" mentality is certainly not helping to further the cause. Bitch has to struggle to exist mainly because they do not take in massive ad revenue-- typically the life blood of ANY publication. I find this to be a noble way to further honor their message, and it's one of the reasons I love Bitch. I suppose you think this makes them dated and unqualified though. What total idiots with their tiny idiot budgets!

If you're disappointed, fine. I get it. "The band's first 2 albums were so much better," etc. I'm sure there is a way for you to use that to actually be constructive, instead of insisting that there be one less feminist voice, even if you happen to believe it's "dripping with condescension." (People in glass houses...)

Maybe you should bring back the dream, and actually add a new feminist voice yourself. However, if you do become a pop culture feminist writer, you should consider refraining from use of the word "schlick." What the fuck does that even mean?
what exactly is your complaint? take away rhetorical questions and insults and here's what you said:

bitch hires bloggers with no qualifications
bitch is condescending in the same way portlandia is
bitch screens comments
bitch talks about freaks and geeks, and that does not interest you

scathing, that.

and what, exactly, would qualify someone for writing about pop culture and feminism? the privilege of having a degree? having seen x number of hours of tv?

to the jezebel comment: let's have a sample of content on jezebel, hm?
-'it's time to freak out about getting fat after marriage' where a study is cited to show that women gain weight when they get married, posted without comment
-'kim kardashian is getting married today' where they detail how much she is getting paid for wedding pics
-'hey girl, here's every ryan gosling gif you'll ever need'
and of course, who can forget
-'american guy in paris freed from the idea of 'consent'' where jezebel takes a fucking nose dive into sexual assault advocacy

jezebel does great things but i go to bitch to challenge my idea of what feminism is. to hear from other perspectives and hear consistently feminist voices. your pointing to this as proof that bitch is lacking is complete bullshit. fox news has more viewers and more writers than any other news station. clear channel has more radio stations than anyone else. these are obviously better organizations, right? FUCK NO. they have content that is palatable to a wider audience, and so they have a wider audience. the end.

condescension? accusation of anything without examples or proof is not an argument.

and your ridiculous note on comment screening? zero comments are screened for disagreeing with the author. they are screened for not being open and accepting. for not fostering a safe space. for being douche-y. i found several comments on the front page disagreeing with the authors.

finally: freaks and geeks is on tv RIGHT NOW. the youtube video of the entire pilot has 54k views in 7 months, with 10 pages of comments from the last month. and all of the comments on that bitch post were positive because people are interested in it. your lack of enthusiasm is not proof that bitch is off-point.

bitch magazine has been in print for 15 years. that drive you so condescendingly alluded to brought 1535 new subscriptions in 15 days from first mention of it.

your hastily written, shitty little rant here earned 1 'like' and 0 comments in 25 days. maybe YOU should move the fuck on, anonymous.

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