
Peds always get the right of way, they should actually dismount their bikes when at a crosswalk. You're going to kill someone some day with that attitude, drive safely please.
I guess you're too busy to follow traffic control devices.
You drive like hipsters ride bikes.
Don't you dare threaten my life and then act shocked when I display my anger in a clear, but-let's-be-honest, non-verbal and non-physically threatening way.
@mb44- I agree 100%. I can understand getting impatient at others doing stupid shit in and around traffic but having an "...I don't stop for you" attitude is very dangerous and quite stupid. People should ask themselves if they are part of the problem more often and consider that perhaps whatever they are so impatient about isn't worth someone's life or the amount of energy they are expending.
get off the fucking bike if you want rights of a pedestrian
- daily bike commuter
This i, Anon NEEDS to have their vehicle revoked from underneath that big ego & locked away in the state hospital. Because that is the type of mentality that gets people killed/injured or crippled for LIFE. ALWAYS STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS even jay walkers. Technicality bicyclist ARE pedestrian; We DON'T run on gas or have metal surrounding us. I don't care if this I,ANON was stuck in a 48 hour or more traffic jam. Don't you remember reading about MONTH long traffic jams in CHINA??????? Check your self before you wreck your self, You spastic bag!!!!!!!
Share the road. Except for the arrogant and inconsiderate... they have full right of way at all times, vehix or not. YIELD to those who can do no wrong!
@lookup - If you're pedestrians, what the fuck are you doing riding in the street? You can't have it both ways.
Let me lay it down for you... We Are pedestrians B/C we are not using GAS/OIL (self powered) don't have metal surrounding us. I can tell by that uneducated comment that you, your self don't ride a bike. Until you start riding NOT on the SIDEWALK but on the ROAD where a bike should be. You will understand that Bicyclist ARE PEDESTRIANS! DEAL WITH IT, SHARE THE ROAD!!!!!
again, from a daily bike commuter, bikers are not pedestrians. If you don't agree with that, check one of the following
1) a dictionary. Pedestrian: a : going or performed on foot b : of, relating to, or designed for walking (Merriam Webster online) Recognize the "ped" root?
2) Oregon motor Vehicle code section 814 (…). To make it easy, a partial summary (feel free to correct me): bikes have to be traveling at walking speed to use crosswalks, and can't ride across lanes of traffic (violate traffic rules followed by cars) except under limited circumstances, to be considered safe/legal use.

So when riding and using the road like a car, act like one. The poster is right: "You don't have the RIGHT OF WAY, RIGHT NOW on the busiest street at rush hour." And congratulations are due to us for not using GAS/OIL, but that is totally irrelevant.
I got the last word....

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