
I know this stuff just *gushed* out of you, but... paragraph breaks are your friends. They're friends to all of us.
Amen, Todd ... or fake it so thstreamofconsciousnessthing is less annoying. (Russian cat circus. That's #2 for the day.)
Closure? I think you got that when you were rid of someone who doesnt even have enough integrity to dump you to your face
Maybe you should ask yourself why you date idiots.
Maybe you should ask yourself why are you still here.
This person DOES need to break up his/her paragraphs, though.
Yet here you are, digitally complaining about the digital dump. If you were dating, you must know where the offender works/ lives/ hangs out. See where I'm going with this?
iceprez comes through with true wisdom on this one. Go find someone that cares enough that, even if it doesn't work out, will break it off with some class.
Oh, pardon me, I misread. It must be my "Intercontinental Language Barrier". Instead of this hypothetical "relationship" to: "(...) learn a lesson or two in the process about what it takes to make a relationship work. Um, like, talking?!" - I read: "to make a relationship work. Um, like, STALKING?!". You know, my reading habits.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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