Anonymous Jan 25, 2012 at 1:59 pm


Let me guess, 24 hour fitness? thats why i never leave anything in there, because its notorious for that. My friend had her bag stolen last year with a yearly trimet pass and about 200$....pretty much all the front desk did is ask "was it locked"? It was. I bring my bag on the gym floor for this reason. The staff approached me about it and I said "can you guarantee its safe in a locker? No? ok, then it stays here". Hope you don't have to do that and your purse is returned. Lame that people do shit like that
@1: based on the name she signed off with, I assume it's the Multnomah Athletic Club.
hmmm -- while we're at it, can we get the creepy old troll dude to quit standing at the mirror to trim and shave his balls in the locker room at my gym? not kidding, btw
Beyond shitty! So, are lockers actually being broken into at these places?! Is there a way someone can place some sort of anti-theft alarm in their bag? Something really LOUD and obnoxious?
That really sucks. Is there any significance to the fact that you used an asterisk and yet still spelled out the whole word "bitches"? I can totally understand if it was just a mistake you made because you were distracted by this awful thing that happened, but I'm just wondering if I missed something. Good luck!
ok, first of all, buy a padlock for your locker, problem solved. maybe girls dont do this but you should. second, creepy guys shaving his bits?? did he have some weirdo pony tail hair cut and a ming the merciless goatee?? if so, thats the infamous shower shamen!!
GadaffiA, we can tie you down to a column, and whenever you see someone stealing you start yelling. Think of this. No more tank threats on your home by the enemy. You get unlimited coco-cola, the thirst quencher. Think about it.
@2.....duh, my bad. Having concussion related symptoms, i am not at my swiftest (not that Im that bright when I am,lol).@3...Please God, yes. So nasty. Also, guy that stares at you while you are showering, creepy does not begin to describe you. I am surprised this happened at the'nt it exclusive and upscale?
IDIOT(S) #1,4,6: fuck the lock, fuck the bitches, fuck the staff. Who do you trust? NO ONE. Read me: leave your expensive stuff in the C-A-R. geeZ!
#10 - because we hadn't thought of tying DamosA-GaddafiA-MimosA to a column yet!

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