Anonymous Mar 23, 2013 at 10:05 pm


Funny thing about Portland: I've never met a broke bartender in this town. Provided that one does not have a raging substance abuse problem, it seems like tending bar is almost a license to print money. So yeah, bartenders need to shut the fuck up already. Oh, you've got to occasionally move a little faster to earn more cash that won't be reported to the IRS? What a stressful job that must be. Hell, even on slow nights a bartender still makes at minimum wage, which is not the case in most other states. Boo hoo hoo.
Just a little additional context on this miserable wretch of an individual... she got pissed off when someone asked for the sound to be turned on during Obama's speech about the Newtown massacre. She and her slimebag friend proceeded to crack jokes about the incident during the speech. My only regret is that I was running a tab and had no cash. I would've walked out on the troll without paying.
Hey Rick Stevens, you use the affected spelling "draught," but don't understand how anonymity works. The hell?
Agree with Chunty here, fortunately for all the self important twats that work in the service industry here, there are some awesome people that do as well. There are just places I won't go, or shit I won't put up with. I too have done most jobs in the service industry
"I'm still not getting much support in the comments? Um...did I mention she was standing on a pile of dying kittens? And was HITLER?"
I dont want to hurt your feelings I,A, but that bartender is happy. They probably wont quit and go on welfare. You have a massive love for sports if you waited for a PBR, for an hour and a half. GO DUCKS! lol
You're a good fan, be nice to your bartender.
this guy sounds like an obnoxious, self-important prick. my guess is they're the type of person that waves cash at the bartender as soon as they walk up to the bar as if no one else has been waiting for drinks before them. i'm also willing to guess that this person had already ordered a round of drinks and either gave a crappy tip or stiffed the bartender altogether.

i hardly beleive the bit about the bartender whining aloud about their supposed feelings of incompitence. this sounds like a bit of wishful projection.

people like this piss and moan about service because they think that they should be served as soon as they sit down, or expexct people to kiss their ass solely for patronizing a business. i'm kind of surprised this person didnt't throw around "portland hipsters" as well.
Satorical, that's not my real name dumbass. Don't worry, you might get a clue someday.

Bort, I left the a-hole a $10 tip after her bullshit just as an F U. I've tipped at least 20% every other visit. She literally told me that I made her feel incompetent. If you don't believe me, go fuck yourself. And if you read my follow up, you'd see that I didn't wave any cash as I paid with a debit card. And if wanting to be served a drink in the 1st 15 minutes I've been in a bar is a crime. Guilty as charged. You probably have a crush on a bartender that doesn't realize you exist. Too bad your parents didn't a-Bort.
Showstopper... Agreed. I very rarely encounter circumstances like these. Maybe once every few years. I won't be going back there ever again. But I will say that 95% of the service staff I encounter are very decent people.
Rick Stevens ain't the real name of Rick James? Dude, if waiting 15 min. for a beer makes write an I,A, I don't know what a real problem would make you write.
Of course Leaky misses the real point of my post.
Which is?
Her bad attitude brainiac.
It took you 4 posts to get to that point? The I,A would have been shorter too.
Nope, it took your dense ass 4 posts to get the point. You might want to plug the leak from your ears. Apparently brain matter is escaping rapidly.
Hey y'all. Damosa finally got the boot. Ha ha. Yeahhhhh.

Base for your face.
Now is you who has the bad attitude.
Leaky, do us both a favor a move down an intellectual weight class or two and start verbally sparring with someone with a relatively similar intellect. May I suggest Lil Jon or Glenn Beck? When you're able to form a complete, and grammatically correct sentence, get back to me.
what is your e-mail?
" I left the a-hole a $10 tip after her bullshit just as an F U. I've tipped at least 20% every other visit."

"You probably have a crush on a bartender that doesn't realize you exist."

and there you have it, folks, the root of this dude's problem.
Here you go Leaky...

Bort, congrats on psychologically disemboweling me in view of all Portland Mercury readers. In the words of Natalie Imbruglia, "I'm cold and I am shamed, lying naked on the floor."

P.S. I wasn't hugged enough as a child either. What's your excuse?

P.P.S. Satorical made me laugh. I love him now.
Are you a blow up doll? aol . com is down at the moment.
Yeah, browner, arenit was 86'd too. They just couldn't resist being complete shits on the "Now What?" comment thread.

As for this Anon, I have a sneaking suspicion he or she is a regular here. Graham perhaps? Some of you know him better than I do, would he passive-aggressively leave an excessively large tip?
Rick, I'm sure I don't have to point out the blatantly obvious; that you're taking the "A" out of I, Anonymous. And did you actually tell the wait person that you weren't satisfied with their service? No? Just another douchebag, passive-agressive Portland hipster.
scaler911 is obviously joining in the discussion a little late and not reading the comments for context. Please read the comments and understand that I wasn't unsatisfied with my service until the bartender, unprovoked and unsolicitedly, took out her frustrations on me. I was minimally passive-aggressive in the fact that I spoke my mind back to her, without raising my voice or cursing at her. The irony of your name-calling, anonymously, is quite amusing to me. Next caller please.
Erm, so you were dissatisfied with her service, and you left her a 10 dollar tip. Where's the logic in that?
I know as Americans, we have shorter than normal attention spans. But, if you've been involved in the conversation throughout this string, you shouldn't need to ask such questions Leaky. I asked before to engage in conversation with simpletons like yourself. Seriously dude, you're a 3rd grader who has wandered into a conversation you're not equipped to handle. Please go play Angry Birds and leave the adult conversations to the adults. Goodnight bird brain.
Well, why did you left the establishment a 10 dollar bill as a tip?
Dear Anonymous/RickStevens, for you:
My mistake, even Graham isn't this needy.
Admittedly, if I had more of a life, I wouldn't be responding to the likes of Leaky. But, he's like a special project to me at this point. I've already admitted that my tip was a F*@K you to the bartender (in a slightly passive-aggressive way). The $$$ didn't go to the establishment you stooge. The $$$ went directly to the "woman" that took out her frustrations out on me for no good/tangible reason. What part of the aforementioned (ad-nausea explanation) does not make sense to your pea-brain Leaky? Do I need to to draw a some sort of graph for you to understand my explanation? Or are you simply enjoying the fact that I feel compelled to explain this matter in 3rd grade terms to you? If so, you truly are much more pathetic than I. Are you going to ask for my email again nitwit?
So you left a 10 dollar bill as a tip to a woman who took out her frustations on you?
I like Todd too!!!! He is clearly above this nonsense, but still chimes in.
Am not saying you did it on purpose. I think it was an accident when you were heating up.
Come on, I clicked on this after seeing 35 comments expecting something worth my time. You jerks owe me three minutes of my life. (I'm a slow reader)
The cat on your profile cancels out any debt owed to you. If you weren't entertained at some point, then shame on you for wasting your time. 3 minutes spent reading my writing is 3 minutes well spent. I should invoice you for sharing even one of my thoughts.
i don't need an excuse for anything because i'm not getting pissy with bartenders over frivolous shit like waiting for a drink, because, you know, waiting in line for a drink in a bar is something any reasonable person would expect: " If I ask for a drink before you're ready to take my order..."

you're not making a case for yourself. all you've done is slip and make clear that you have a crush on this bartender that is not intersted in you no matter how much you over tip, and that you also don't think very highly of this person either because you have superiority issues (i've done your job, your're lazy), or because you think very little of women in the workforce, which is obvious in the above quotation in which you seem to think it's ok to yell your order at a person before it's your turn -which i highly doubt you'd do to a male bartender- stating that she shouldn't be working and should, in fact, stay at home and collect welfare.

also, if you had carefully read what i said, you may not want to too enthusiastically flaunt the fact you paid with a card. i said you are the TYPE OF PERSON that waves cash around,because bartenders can off-hand pick upon your type... but you know what? after reading all your BS, you seem more the type that just needs a friend or hobby.
Oh Bort, I love the way you insist on making this into a gender and/or Freudian super-ego issue. I don't think you're in a terribly strong position to hypothesize as to how I would react if it was male bartender instead. Of course that won't stop you from injecting your arm chair psychology routine though.

Please tell me what university you graduated from so I can be certain to never send my children there. After all, I don't want them winding up being a pretentious baffoon like yourself.

I'm always looking for new friends though. Maybe we should hang out sometime. That is, if you promise not keep asking about my relationship with my mother.

P.S. The answer to question #29 on your Psych 101 final was "inferiority issues," not "superiority issues."
Huh. No more DamosA & arenit?

Though i only agreed with what they had to say on extremely rare occasions, i'll miss them all the same.

Anyway, i have to agree with the newly kitten-faced sideways smiley face regarding the entertainment quality this thread lacks.

RickStevens, you're harshing everybody's mellows, man.
God, I anon is supposed to be ANONYMOUS! If you don't like people's comments on your rant maybe you shouldn't post here.

Also, being a bartender is hard work. Not to mention the fact that you will usually watch an adult turn into a drunken raging toddler in 5 hours. Also bartenders are paid minimum wage.
So why be surly, that fucks with your tips.

If you want snappy service with a fake smile and even a uniform go get drunk at fucking Applebees.
You know who has a "hard" job? First responders. Social workers. Bus drivers. Coal miners. Sweatshop factory employees.

You know who doesn't? Bartenders. Boo-hoo, you have to mix a drink. Boo-hoo, someone might not always tip $1 for opening a $2 can of PBR. BUT YOU'RE SO GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO! You totally sort of remembered the name on my tab. You begrudgingly made change for the pinball machine. You totally hurried when people were waving wads of cash in your face and kissing your ass. Cry me a fucking river.
Most bartenders work 2-3 jobs. So yeah, I'd say standing on your feet for an 8 hour shift pouring drinks for the masses can at time suck.
I'm glad I'm not a bartender anymore since and I don't deal well with assholes. But seriously, if you don't like the bar, bartender, or as it seems the ENTIRE Portland bar scene....don't go. Stay home, open your own beer, and watch your stupid sports that most people want off so they can put money in the jukebox.

There seems to be a high level of entitlement coming from both sides.

Is it impossible for people on here to ever be nice? This forum is a joke and has just turned into a bunch of bored hipsters (sure, I'll lump myself in there too) having flame wars and nasty comments. It's just lame. Livejournal lame.

rickstevens, you're totally right. you should seek prefessional help to deal with your issues.
Another brilliant conclusion by Bort. Not only do you continue to reach false/misleading conclusions, but you obviously can't even spell the word "professionally" correctly. You're really doing the Good Lord's work over there buddy, and a yeoman's effort at that.

P.S. When I referred to you as a buffoon earlier, I meant it in the " gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person" sense of the word. The other definition is a bit too kind. While you are ridiculous, you're certainly not amusing.
Yeoman! Dear Glob, when did we become a monarchy?!

Classism, alive and thriving.
ahh the old typo scapegoat. obviously i'm an idiot because i hit the E key by mistake.

but really, ricky , you're avoiding your own issues while finger pointing and name calling. i think you should take a long, deep breath, step back for a moment and try to figure out where all this hostility towards bartenders is coming from.
Bort, Bort, Bort... You're an idiot for a number of reasons. Out of courtesy, I'll only describe the 2 most recent reasons that you've served up on a silver platter.

1. I didn't blame anything on the typo. Ergo, the typo can't be a scapegoat by definition.
2. You've now decided to pluralize bartender, which implies that I have an ax to grind with everyone of that profession (Note: I spelled profession correctly).

In the spirit of honesty, I will admit that I do have some hostility issues. I tend save the hostility for those who provoke me. The bartender in question was extremely rude to me and a number of other customers. She then proceeded to take out her frustrations on me because I had the gall to order another drink on my schedule, not hers.

As for you, Dear Bort, I suggest you take a look at your initial post on this thread, take a look in your own mirror, and tell me what pure hypocrisy looks like. I have taken a number of deep breaths, and I realize I shouldn't let such a trivial person's trivial actions upset me as much as they did, but I'm only human. You on the other hand speak to a specific situation that you weren't even present for, start calling me names, and describing me as sexist.

I'm truly tired of your stupidity. Reply if you must, but you simply don't get another minute of my time.
RickStevens: Did you make an account just so you could defend your own I, Anonymous submission?
I don't care about this thread, but I'd like to address what someone up there said about missing DamosA and arenit: what the hell could you possibly miss?

In particular, arenit's junior league trolling. You can't go an entire day on the internet without encountering several hundred of that guy. Willful contrarianism isn't especially interesting, and posting inflammatory shit then cheering for yourself when people get mad about it says you're a thirteen year old. Fuck that.
Anyway, they'll both be back. You know this.
Yeah, rich, i hear you. I think you're right. Maybe i was a little sloppy with my wording -- "miss" is the clearly the wrong word.

I guess i just have a hard time with censorship, no matter how big of an asshole the person being censored is.

That being said, if i were running the show around here, perhaps i would've reacted the same exact way The Mercury did -- i'm sure the view and responsibility is much different from their vantage point than it is from mine...
RickStevens = StJohnsRules???

could it be?
Are you talking about jen who works o'brien's and choptsticks?
Jen fucking rules!
I'm still waiting for that guys email.
As much as I'd like to expose the transgressor referred to in my post, I don't want to break any rules. It's not the person batcaver mentioned though.

Leaky, why on earth are you waiting for me to post my email account online? I'm not 1/100th as stupid as you are. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm the idiot for responding to your question, or if you're more half-witted for asking (again). Eat more red meat, it's brain food.
well, what is it?
Dear AnonyRickStevens. Self-Righteous Pretentious Bore Award. You won it.
Rick Stevens, you should know that people do NOT usually side with Leaky. Not with this kind of consistency. This is a sign that you need to drop it. You need to have dropped it before you even picked it up. The internet has voted you dumb, and that verdict is irrevocable.
I mean godDAMN, do you even understand how much this forum loves to hate on the service industry? How did you even fuck this up? It was a total gimme! I'm practically impressed by your sheer incompetence! All you had to do was SHUT UP in the comments!
Every time the poster re-comments my eyes glaze over. tl/dr
Only hating on the miserable wretch that prompted this post and those who chose to attack me personally (unprovoked-like). I'm not doggin' the industry on the whole. I think my posts will prove that fact.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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