
That really sucks. Tulips are the best part of springtime.
Not much respect going around these days.
If it makes your day any better, picture the culprit shouting "ROSE CITTTTTTTY!" as they demolished your tulips.

That sucks.
Bunch of fucking savages in this town. I'm really sorry. That sucks.
Back in the day, people knew how to tiptoe through them. While playing the ukelele.
LOL-ing at this idiot that thinks there are gang infestations here.
Actually there were, and in some parts of Portland and outlying areas there most certainly still are. I don't know how long you have been here but you appear to be rather naive
Satorical with the winning movie reference!
The person that trashed your tulips was a dick, for sure, but you live on a major street. Sorry, but something was bound to happen. Those flowers didn't stand a chance against either mindless vandalism, theft or a drunk pedestrian staggering over them. I live on a quiet side street and had irises cut (very neatly and deliberately) as they were on the verge of blooming. I dug them up and replanted them in the backyard and advise you to do the same with your bulbs. If you want color in your front yard it's probably best to go with azaleas & rhodies. I'm not blaming the victim here, just suggesting that you be realistic about Interstate Avenue.
It was probably the person who got forced out of your place when the gentrification train came running through.
It's interesting that anytime anyone writes something about gentrification, racism, sexism or homophobia it gets a lot of "dislikes". I see you bitches.

The myth of gang encroachment is just a racist scare-tactic used by the mainstream media to get middle-class people all up in arms about section 8 housing, pro-gentrification, transit safety and other anti-poor legislation. It stinks of the PBA and HOA companies. How many times do you see stories of crime in Portland where if the perp is a Black youth, the word gang is thrown around willy-nilly? If there is such a gang problem then why don't the police do something about it? Oh wait they're too busy shooting mentally ill people.
And yeah I,A, why don't you just move outta that neighborhood because chances are your "shitty" neighbors don't want your mayonnaise ass around anyway!
@ TheOnlySanePerson:

"If there is such a gang problem then why don't the police do something about it?"

What a dumbshit you are. That's like saying "If there is such a cancer problem, then why don't the doctors do something about it?"

Also, nobody said anything about black people when "gangs" were mentioned. That was all you. And just because things aren't as bad here as they are in L.A. doesn't mean that we don't have a problem. A dumbshit (gang member) is a dumbshit, regardless of what color skin they're wearing.

Funny how the only racist comments here are coming from the person crying, "Racist!"

And thanks for the belly-laugh you gave me with your "mayonnaise" line. What are your other racist terms via sauce? Nutella, ketchup, and mustard-asses?

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