
Apparently you aren't as cute as you think you are.

But seriously, that's the kind of sketchy area where you should have a friend with you after dark. Also, not wanting to mix it up with a 6'4" screaming lunatic isn't pussy, it's smart.
^ SW10th and Washington is sketchy after dark? lol man Portland is so fucking cute sometimes.

As for Anon, so a "crazy guy" (who happens to drive a nice brand new BMW) was "verbally threatening" you for no reason? Since your letter gives no reason for this bizarre act, my guess is you instigated something but chose not to include that part of the story. And when you pulled out your mace this "enraged him even more", followed by "then he walked away". Rage quit? You're leaving out big parts of the story, and my guess is because they don't reflect well on you. But hey, you're pretty, go you!
You fail reading comprehension, j.cas. If you actually read her story, you'd realize (in your case, maybe you wouldn't notice) that she typed that there were two men near her. One was a crazy large dude and the other was just some random guy, who was NOT the crazed large man; who was just a scared lil prick. Two different dudes, not one dude. Damn.
My weed is the greatest. No regrets.
What's with the victim blaming? Way to be a sexist jerkpants.
Psych 102 teaches that you should walk away from crazy people as quickly as you can.

But seriously, you did the right thing running to a nearly business, or you could've followed Beamer Dude until you came to a store of some kind.

I would've escorted you somewhere, unless you look kind of crazy too.
Actually, I saw the whole thing go down. The crazy guy was mad because the girl held a door open for him.
It's obvious she only held the door to get a look at his ass. Reprehensible and degrading.
Probably ice prez on his way to his gig at Amtrak. Bathroom stall gig, that is.....
Maybe the guy was scared too. Just because he's a guy doesn't mean he has to protect you.
Don't worry Browner, I' ll stay out of the handicap stall. Hope you had time to make it to Bud Clark Commons to wish your mom a happy Mothers Day!
Ice prez. Could of been the The Macklemoore of pdx. Instead we got lotions and ointments and CL on the DL, tis a shame.....
Oh and your mom says to call her....
I am waiting for the I anonymous from a 6'4" guy who was assaulted with mace by a drunken crazy bitch Friday at 10th and Washington...
"verbally threatened" by "crazy" - That's your cue to walk away and/or ignore this person. Not an opportunity to pull out your mace and escalate the situation. And definitely not the time to get a third person involved.

Next time, try walking around the block, away from crazy, appearing somewhere else minutes later to continue to your destination. Like any normal, intelligent person would do.
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