
Genetically modified foods are just fine.
Who cares about the march?
Sorry bro, the hippies already expended their annual protest rage on fluoride.
Whatever you do, anonymous, don't look in the mirror.
Many people do know about it. Relying on any media group to do that work is not a rational choice.
"Hey hey ho ho GMOs have got to go," is not a useful contribution to the conversation. If I'm being generous, marches like this are exactly as valuable as opinion polls. They do nothing more than demonstrate that a certain number of people agree with a particular set of arguments. As such, they deserve exactly as much news coverage as any other opinion poll (which is to say, "maybe some" if the result is somehow surprising or extraordinary).

Personally, I'm all for labeling requirements. I will always be in favor of any effort to get more information to consumers. But I don't understand your frustration with the coverage of this issue. What, exactly, is so newsworthy about any of what happened yesterday?
6 is thataway, IAnon.
has anyone ever seen a Chinese restaurant with a sign out front sayings "Now with MORE MSG!"? Just wondering........

But back to your post, Anonymous. What the fuck is this Monsanto thing again and why are we worked up over this?

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