Anonymous Oct 19, 2013 at 11:53 pm


At what point did milking their misery turn from cute to IA time?
No comment because that girl on the right is distracting me. Those eyebrows are freaking me out.
So I could drink, smoke and masturbate, or else suffer? That's a tough one.
" I have neighbors who suffer- I mean REALLY suffer, working to raise kids and pay bills, while you kick back and masturbate your ego."

I don't understand the purpose of this sentence. It almost sounds like you're blaming your friend for your neighbor's hardships?

Your letter makes it sounds like he's just chilling and relaxing and enjoying life, then you say the opposite, that he's miserable and insufferable. I'm not sure if your grip is with him growing weed, using an EBT card or making art you dislike. It doesn't sound like he's doing anything worthy of your ire... but perhaps of your envy?
"Don't be an artist."

The Horse's Mouth (1958)…
It's probably face painting rainbows and mules, sorry, ponies, what I'm saying, Unicorns.
Everything else about this person seems to suck. However: the food stamp shaming is gratuitous and stupid. If you've ever been there, you'll know that the two things you must never do -according to busybodies in line behind you, and sometimes the checker- are purchase junk food with food stamps or purchase really good food with food stamps. It sort of makes you think people just automatically hate people on food stamps, for some reason. This is why the debit card thing was such a good idea.
^Word. Back when I was on food stamps, the only store within walking distance of me was Whole Foods. Of course I would TRY to be frugal there, because I really did want more food for the money, but what the snide cashiers seemed not to get is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be frugal there.
"It sort of makes you think people just automatically hate people on food stamps, for some reason."

Generally, it is because we pay for those food stamps, so if you look young and able bodied, it is annoying to those of us whose work is taxed to buy your groceries.
Food Stamps is a Federal Program of the Agriculture Department that is administered by each state. The lobby group which instigated food stamps in the first place, was big, private corporate agriculture. Food Stamps is primarily, corporate welfare.
"But what the snide cashiers seemed not to get is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be frugal there."

You don't know how to cook, do you? I'm not their biggest fan, and they do have a lot of overpriced shit, but it's easy as hell to be frugal at Whole Foods... just as easy as it is to spend a shit load of money. They have affordable bulk items (read: beans and lentils, etc), usually have at least a few staple veggies on sale if you spend time looking around and opening your eyes, and also will have cheap cuts of meat. Also have cheap eggs, pasta, oats, cereal, soups, blah blah blah.

As with most things, it's about how much effort you want to put into whatever endeavor you're setting out on.
You might have a point. I'm really only willing to spend so much time in a grocery store, so I try to have a general idea of what I'm getting ahead of time instead of looking at every thing in the store. I still think that Whole Foods is pretty outrageous, though.
What if I make miserable masturbation art from my man snake's misery milk and some po'folk misery foodstamp rations in a creative performance art/ time-based fashion to make a deep statement about the impermanence of human products, ridiculous inequalities built into the very fabric of our modern society, and the difficulty of achieving happiness and enlightenment in this miserable material realm? Can't you appreciate outside the box contextual communication that challenges the participant to philosophically examine the nature of their existence?

I guess semen and rotten fruit is so passe.
Hey Blabby: when I was (briefly) on food stamps, I was working full time at a job that didn't pay well, and was a single father. So yes: I was young and able-bodied, but still needed assistance. Surely you understand how that sort of thing might happen?

And how being hostile to a stranger who wants food that a miniscule fraction of your taxes paid for is a sign of serious bullshit in your character? The military eats up a hell of a lot more than food stamps and the WIC program combined ever would. Do you sneer at soldiers?
If it weren't for Food Stamps, how many grocery checkers would have to be laid off? The fucking mayor is on welfare.
The mayor? Wim Wiewel, der Fรผhrer of Portland State University, gets $540,000.00 annual salary from tax payers. That's nearly as much as five mayors. Hows that for welfare? How many contributors to this thread here, make that much combined?…
Rich - I thought about explaining how I came to be on food stamps while working two jobs, but then I remembered that this is blabby and he will not be persuaded to break his role as Ron Swanson for anything. Also he generally doesn't care.
So, can you let me know this artist's name? Sounds like he is on an excellent self-destructive path, leading to an early death and a great return on my art investment.
I'm not against food stamps for people who need them, which could be for all different sorts of reasons. I'm just explaining what goes through someone's head when they see young, able-bodied people using them.
People don't see how they themselves are getting more from welfare than are the poor. Every civil servant on the City, County, State and Federal, government payroll, are directly leeching on taxpayer funds. Next, you've got the government contractors, like the incompetent scam artists who slapped that silly putty on the Morrison Bridge, and the dipshit who wrote the software for the DMV and the Water Bureau, not to forget the low ballers that built the OHSU Tram and the PSU Recreation Center. Every time there's a fuck-up, it amounts to about a $ cost overrun.

The poor are always just the scapegoat, because they are the most visible, since they have nowhere else to go, but the street.

Eliminate all government employees and contracts and what would be the unemployment rate? No, the question is, do the taxes paid by government employees and contractors amount to enough to support the economy more than if they were all out of work?
There are basically 3 types of people on food stamps...

1. People that need the assistance permanently (some attempt to work, others don't).
2. People who use the assistance to get back on their feet.
3. People that abuse the system.

Fuck the #1's that aren't even trying to become a #2, and double fuck all the #3's. Everyone in between are cool by me.
There's a sub category of Type 2; those who have been abused by the system and are sabotaged from getting back on their feet for political reasons. This has always been the case in Eastern European countries, and is less obvious in the USA, but equally true, nowadays since the advent of the Internet.

WTF does that post have to do with this thread?!?!?!?! Please start your own blog and keep this shit off I,Anon!!!!

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