Anonymous Nov 5, 2013 at 3:02 pm


To the judgmental prick who wrote this insipid tripe:

Go hang yourself. Now. Jump off a bridge. Take your pick, there are many. Lay on some train tracks.

It is close minded scum like you and your ilk that make the world such an unpleasant place to live in filled with strife and fighting over absolutely nothing other than your inability to mind your own fucking business. Fuck all the stupid squares at your church who would actually care about what somebody does with their free time.
Was this written by a Dana Carvey SNL character?
Trollkein I do believe you've been trolled.
Dude, as a Catholic you should be urging more of your church members to get some of their repressed sexuality out at the strip clubs. Won't SOMEBODY PLEASE think of the altar boys??
I know, but i can't even stand not funny jokes about stuck up religious types.
This is funny, is filled with oxford commas.
I'm guessing this is {Part 2 of 3}. Who the hell uses those curly brackets? Gotta be the same troll. Joined the Papists since yesterday.
"......and He gave stitches to the snitches....."
Church is for morans.
You are either a person that stalks people to see what their doing or just a hoax.
So if your Catholic its ok to curse and put your supposed brother in Christ on blast publicly but not ok to go a strip club. Just one of many reasons your faith isn't even respected among real christian faiths. P.s your pope is a joke.
He has a point, guys, the creepy smile should only be on your face *inside* the strip club.
Your XOXO exclamation point, is not going to win his virginity just so you know. He's saving it for Destiny Moon Dance, who's coming back out in two songs.
Strip clubs and churches are pretty much the same thing.

1. The music is shitty.
2. You are promised good things if you spend lots of cash
3. The booze is weak
4. You get all hopeful and riled up while you're there but ultimately unfulfilled until you go in the next week to give more of your money.
5. There's always a creepy old man mumbling to himself.

Jumping off a bridge, hanging oneself, suicide by train.....these actions are far more damaging to the community in general than the object of your rage, who is merely a self-righteous religious prick. Think of the driver going under vista bridge who suddenly has a body flying through his/her windshield. Or the person who, while going for a walk in the park, is horrified to see a corpse hanging from a nearby tree. Or the train driver who has a pedestrian LOOK HIM IN THE EYE before jumping in front of his train (that last one happened to a family member who drives the MAX).

You might want to consider the greater repercussions of your advice before encouraging suicide. Since we're talking about self-righteous pricks.
TMC comment of the week nominee.

Need to have that confirmed as an original and call it comment of the year.
You know your priests fuck children and other priests cover it up, right? Maybe you should worry about how fucked up your religion and your imaginary torture-porn loving god are and focus on a greater evil.
I didn't know that Sam Adams was a priest, butt even strippers gotz to make a living, right?
OTP is still the shittiest commenter.
Shhh Aestro, don't get him going or he'll post stupid shit 50 more times, forcing the Mercury to close comments...
Does he wear the same green sweater at all times? Like Ned Flanders?
C_A has her thing against O.P.P wooooo

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