
What are your thoughts on bicyclists?
So trolling is still a thing?
And while we're on the subject, don't put your dicky dilema dick in our enchalata.
I'm still trying to figure out the ipad, sadly you had me at Barista.
Happy enchalata? WTF even is that? You just killed John Prine!
eprophet, you must have never seen a Prine live show, or heard him tell the story....

A woman requests to hear the "happy enchalata" song. It's a "half an inch of water." Think about it, darling.
I got the "inch" you got the "lotta" let's make one....
I don't think there's a crummier coffee than a cup of Starbuck's house brand and only 2.50 a cup. They probably piss in it cause you're supposed to order a latte brewlette with extra foam at 7.95 with pecan scones for another 5.25. Don't get me started on electronic shops. How do you like the way they brag how reliable the gizmo is, but do you want the warranty for another 29.95?

Just give me an old fashioned cafe/grill with red hot jav in a big clay mug where they only bother you to move your feet so they can sweep up, and a shady looking pawnshop where you can get a gizmo cheap and they only roll their eyes if you ask about a stupid warranty or try using some hip techno buzz word.
Do you like Pinya Calatas?

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