Anonymous May 8, 2014 at 6:01 pm


Whu-whu-why whu-whu-whu-would yuh-yuh-yuh-yuh-you mention h-h-h-he whu-whu-whu-whu-whu-was whu-whu-whu-whu-whu-whu-whu-whu-white?
If you're this much of a nazi in youth imagine how terrible you're going to be as an old man. Your whole rant is basically this:

A dog pooped in nature, and the owner was white but dressed black.

The fact you rounded the block and wanted to come back for a confrontation is hilarious.

"I know it's the idiot owner's fault, but this kind of thing produces so much rage in me"

If a dog pooping on foliage induces this amount of rage in you please see a therapist before you go postal.
I vote colonels judgement to a 5.

By the way......

Ban him, he's a dick.
this I'Anon is not only a nazi mentality, but sounds like he is really,really, a white racist. Oh,dear-here we have a ranter that thinks he has to justify that the offender is white, but dresses like Biggie Small's mourners.RIP-I loved Biggie.

Bad enough he is RACIST, but a Dog Hater because Fido pooped on a bush. Then he drove around Division and 60 something to look at the Poop, but says he was looking to encounter Fido's owner and takes Poop pictures instead.

Racism must stop here, profiling is a NO on this rant for Racist remarks. Unsettling all of us commenters as we strive for the PULITZER.
Are people really comparing this guy to Hitler's Nazis? Man, the hippies are out in force tonight...
Bohemians maybe not Hippies
So you are saying that you stepped from your car, into the rain, to take photos of a dogshit-covered shrub? You sir, are a damn jerk.
If it weren't for assisse, I could've written the EXACT SAME comment that I did for "Played Out."

There's a twisted irony to that. I would've become the very douche I can't stand on this blog. The idiot that says the exact same fucking thing on every single thread.

It's appears as though Tourette Syndrome may actually be caused by a pathogen that can cross vectors. For example, human to internet transmission.
Way too direct. Be more portland and put a note there stating your displeasure. And why the he's white aside? Does this add anything to the observation? He's an asshole dog owner who makes responsible dog owners look bad and dresses like a dipshit. But like his skin color his fashion sense is not the topic either. Basically if you remove the bullshit filler from what you said we are left with. Asshole didn't pick up dog shit. The fuck do you need to tell everyone about it for? Maybe the whole point was to brag about how you almost confronted some kid and his dog but they had better shit to do than listen to you so they left before you got there. Your story fails to convey any substance. Next time embellish a little to get folks interested dog shit and sideways hats are boring. Guns, explosions, and giant robots work for Hollywood to cover take a hint from them.
Once you get past 50th it all goes to hell.
Man, I'm trying to think of something that would cause me to fly off the handle and seek out a confrontation like that. I'm a small person and not particularly good at fighting, so it's really kind of hard to imagine that scenario. Maybe if somebody was beating my mother up, or my dog or something.

Anyway, the point is you've got some obvious anger issues and some pictures of a shit-covered bush on your phone. Hope it was worth it.
I thought it was cool to let your dog shit anywhere people don't step (under a tree, in a bush, etc). No?
There is ivy in the mediums in my apt complex parking lot and it's been an unspoken "ok" for the two years I've lived there for the dog owners to get their dogs to shit there and no one picks it up because it's hidden by the thick ivy. Am I alone in this thinking?

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