Anonymous May 30, 2014 at 8:31 pm


Fake, so fake , with the fake inbred redneck speak, same IA that wrote the fake shit one , are any of these real? My guess is no
Your response is faker than fake. You aren't even a real I,A commenter, you're some katu commenter. This is bullshit.
Yes I'Anon, you think you can make us believe you? The commenters have Forensic training, and we can spot a liar with our eyes and ears closed. That's what we do.
fake or not, valid concern for anyone living east of I-205
If you eat convenience store pickle eggs or fish your jerky treats out of a communal tube you have already pretty much committed to a life of sharing other people's funk.
Well sir, these jugs of pickled eggs and this barrel of beef jerky just happen to be free today so help yourself to a few.

Before you take your ration of eggs and jerky, however, please place your foot inside this magic box over here to protect you from evil spirits and then take one of these nice free blankets home with you...
You forgot the one where the barkeep wiped his dog's butt with the bar rag flopped it on the bar and you came by and covered the open jerky dispenser with it. To this day the same rag is still there.
And then when you tried to change that rag, nooooo, everybody in the establishment made it impossible for you to change it to a nice, fitting rag.
"... valid concern for anyone living east of I-205."

Because those living west of I-205 don't have germs and/or are far too cultured to ever contaminate communal containers (much LESS say consume jerky or pickled eggs!)

Almost 25% of Portland residents live east of I-205 (the largest demographic except for those living in SE, west of I-205). Yeah, it's Portland, too.

"Lived in a brownstone, lived in a ghetto. I've lived all over this town."
@ Raven333

I know. I'm very lucky. I just made the cut living a block off 82nd.

Suck it far east P-town! I'm over here, basking in my germ free bourgeois paradise!
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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