Anonymous Jul 8, 2014 at 3:10 pm


Mmmm, classism is so classy.
Because people would rather kick the poor and are therefore too selfish to donate to charity, politicians stepped in to garner votes, by promising to the upper and middle class, to get rid of the poor, and by promising to the poor, to help them, resulting in welfare.
Nothing brings greater happiness in life than money in excess. Only broke people will swear that's not true (as though they could possibly know). To own your loft, to own your car, to never have to worry about bills being paid, to never have to stress about money - I cannot stress how much better this improves one's quality of life.

Your problem is you aren't thinking big. You've signed up for the game, got your shitty little desk job and you think somehow you'll get to some great place in life from it. The problem for you is everyone else and their mother signed up for the same game, and you have zero advantage against the numbers. You live in a city where there are hundreds (if not thousands) of people willing to do the same bullshit job for even less than you currently are. You have every disadvantage in your path, and you're wondering why you don't live the good life.

You can bitch and moan about it, or you can do something about it. Try a new game. The one you're currently playing is a dead end, I assure you. Think bigger and better than those around you.
I was on my lunch break, fuck you
No, it's staycationing because there's no money left after the company store is done.
Unemployment, retirement, and VA checks aren't welfare. They are earned. Now get back to work and be quick about it.
Mind your own fucking business...that is all!!
Atlas Don't Give a Fuck.
assisse, you truly are the grandest troll of all. Paragraph 1 sounds like total sarcasm. Paragraph 2 sounds like the truth. Paragraph 3 offers false hope, but no real answers.

You, my friend, are a true piece of shit. Nobody signed up for this game. It was a fabrication sold/forced upon them. The smart people see the game and know how unfair the rules are. The ignorant don't stand a chance and those in power know exploit the poor and powerless.

If the opportunity you espouse truly existed, hard working people would make some sort of headway in life. I think FWTBT has you pegged accurately. You're probably some pathetic MRA living the high life, but women are repulsed by you. But it shouldn't be gender specific. Humanity should be repulsed by you.

You either truly enjoy fucking with people, or you really are the scumbag I envision you to be.
I actually have a job that involves a lot of very early mornings, late nights and a lot of idle afternoons. I win, schmuck.
Rick: Your problem is you equate 'hard working' with 'valuable'. While it's commendable, it's a misguided view of reality. Tons of people are hard working, it's commonplace and nothing special. Ideas are where the money is at now. I feel bad for the slow learners of this generation who still aren't recognizing that things have changed.

> If the opportunity you espouse truly existed, hard working people would make some sort of headway in life.

Hard working at what? Your day job? Whoopdy fuckin doo. That's not going to generate wealth. What can you actually provide to your city, your country, the world, that will make people value you more? Surely you are of more value than answering phones for Chase bank, right? Surely this isn't your station in life, right? You aren't hard working. You settled, and you've convinced yourself it's hard work.
Of course, as usual, the politicians fail to eliminate the poor, and fail to help them, either, but do manage to garner votes from both factions. As long as politicians can preserve the crisis, it can continually be exploited. The solution is for people to donate enough to charity to solve the problem. That would be far less expensive than the confiscatory taxes, the revenue of which is misappropriated as corporate welfare and kick backs.

Assisse is right. You will never get ahead by working for somebody else.
I think about why so many people are out and about too, but I'm not a fucking bigot about it.
I think you vastly overestimate how enjoyable life is for your average under/unemployed, SNAP-collecting down-and-outer. You see, it seems liberating to just not be attached to the rat race, to not have to worry about anything other than when your social security check is gonna come, etc... but it ain't. It fucking sucks, and it sucks ALL FUCKING DAY. Most of these people you see out are depressed as hell, and not in a 'I just got dumped/I'm going through a period' sort of depression... but in a 24/7... grinding... unrelenting depression. The kind of depression that you can only really deal with by drinking or abusing drugs heavily, and generally doing everything in your power not to think about it at all.

You gotta be realistic about what's going on here, too. Downtown Portland (especially during the 4 months the weather is decent) is really basically anybody who's having a hard time on the entire fucking west coast gravitating towards this city... when in reality for the rest of the year we're just like any other city, with our fair share of people who just don't have it in them (for whatever reason) to get their shit together.

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