Anonymous Aug 5, 2014 at 8:14 am


Fucking serfs.
Maybe they are fumbling to move around because they brought a stroller the size of a small car onto a bus.
I think you mean common courtesy, not chivalry. But they're both dead anyway, so no matter.
Give up my seat for the elderly or a pregnant woman, of course. Give it up for entitled parents? Nope.
I sure wish there was a vigilante gang of Chivalry enforcers calling themselves Knights of Albertagonquin armed with very small jousting poles used to "dismount" these courtesy offenders from their seats.

But i also wish humpy would appoint me Sherriff of IAnonyham so i could flog the next jester trying to amuse the king with another trimet rant. Sigh
I'm trying to keep chivalry alive on Trimet. Just yesterday I challenged several people to duels for insulting the honor of my liege lord, Count Wm. Steven of Humphrey...
It IS a shame that this code of medieval combat is dying out, but hey, if you wanna joust, I'm way down.
OP clearly doesn't actually know what chivalry is. But several people have already made jokes about ritualized combat modalities, so I don't need to.
I stay in my hard-won seat, and as the kids walk by I whisper "If Daddy really loved you, he'd buy a car."
Could you please clarify the distinction between a dope-head and a smack-head?
They should be mowing lawns......
Chin up! At least the whole "fedora persona" still lives on Trimet! Tip o' the hat to you, m'lady!
Nice one Mecklem
They better, or what? What are you going to do? Bitch anonymously on a blog, that will show them!
When you ride the bus, you gotz to expect adventure. Sometimes when one sets the example, others follow suit.
Chivalry will resume as soon as you finish making my sandwich.
Get get and reveal my erection. Sorry!
I was raised to believe only scumbags and derelicts ride the bus...guess my parents were smarter than yours.
I'm more a fan of ribaldry.

*busts out lute and sings a tawdry ballad*
Of course attempting to be courteous can leave you open to accusations of being sexist, ageist, etc. I gave up my bus seat to a frail, old woman using a walker. She was so offended she followed me home and proceeded to beat the living shit out of me.
^ Oh yeah.

My Grannie would walkerstomp the shit out of you until you needed a full set of dentures too. She's beaten so many bus riders into a state of incontinence she's sponsored by Depends.
My mother gave us unconditional love until we learned to speak. We last heard she died on the Tri-met because she started a rumble with the bus driver.

Wish she hadn't done that. They never found the body. Rip
Regina,or whatever your name was.
Moving for an elderly person is policy not chivalry. Would you not move for an old man with a cane?

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