Anonymous Aug 14, 2014 at 9:16 am


Made it one sentence in and stopped reading just to type this comment and move on.
“What?!” The recumbent bicyclist hollered back. His recumbent-bicycle-helmet-mirror catching the light just so, sending a blinding flash to the driver behind him. It all happened so fast. Within moments the people from Putter's were out of their seats, mouths agape, masticated cow bits spilling to the ground not unlike the recumbent bicyclist whose mangled wheels were squeaking, one last revolution, before the slow, painfully sloow, ridiculously sloooooow. Stop.

The people from Putter's were never quite the same after that. That's why, if you ride by Putter's at exactly 5:30 in rush hour traffic, you'll notice a patch of still, deathly calm, wherein lies the slow squeak of a recumbent bicycle wheel and the faint echo of bygone people from Putter's yelling “Get off the road!”
A post about cyclists? What an original and novel concept!
Sometimes you just have to let Darwinism take its course.
Scolded by barflies, an awful fate.
They drink and they drink and rebuke and berate.
(I wasn’t there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)
That's where you don' fucked up, son. Don't lump the recumbent assholes in with cyclists... DON'T YOU DO IT!!!
When was this written?!? Mickey Finn's has been gone for at least 6 months, and Putters moved in June (and that whole block is vacant and circled in fencing in preparation for demolition). How long have you been holding onto this story?
Recumbent bicycles are lower to the ground so you don't smash guts and teeth all over your windshield when you run them down in cold blood. They thought of everything when they engineered that marvel.
Get bent.
Was this written several years ago? Most of Woodstock has a bike lane and the rest is "Shared Roadway with wider outside lane" according to the city's bike maps. Can't be that bad.

If you want to complain about cyclists using MLK or Hawthorne when there's a "bike boulevard" a couple blocks over, then fine, maybe you'd have a point.
That's not even original.

It was copied from the City-Data Portland Forum.

What a loser.
I can't figure out which is worse, recumbants or fixies.
Both flip sides of the idiot cyclist coin.

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