Anonymous Aug 14, 2014 at 9:21 am


There has to be a point to the story! This is IAnon, not This American Life with Ira Glass...
Also don't forget to point at the soy sauce and yell "Pass the bug juice!"
Point being that Uncle Frank is past tense? choked on some hot mustard? Don't leave me hanging Bro!
Rod Serling is rolling over in his grave...with your Uncle Frank.
Never play hide the salami with Uncle Frank. The first time is terrifying, and then it's just boring because I always know where he's gonna hide it. I also know it's not salami, but you never want to stifle anybody's imagination.
I think some of the posters here have relatives similar to Uncle Frank. He sounds like a dear Uncle. My family was too uptight to talk about colorful relatives, but your family
sounds fun.

It is sad when they pass away. How cute he sounds.
Ladies and gentlemen, David Sedaris!

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