GOOD MORNING, BLOGTOWN! And you have the audacity to even come and step to me, ask to hold some money from me until you get your check next week. LET'S GO TO PRESS.

FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS IN 2016: Yesterday the Army Corp of Engineers (under orders from President Obama) announced they are denying permits to the builders of the Dakota Pipeline to drill under the Missouri River, which the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and many more have been protesting for months.

Today in "Trump is the stupidest person to ever be elected to the presidency": After throwing decades of Chinese diplomacy out the window by communicating with the leader of Taiwan, Trump continues to shit talk about China on Twitter. As you'd probably imagine, China isn't very happy about it.

More dumb dumminess from Trump: He's chosen former foe Ben Carson as his nominee for secretary of housing and urban development even though the president-elect once said he has a "pathological temper" that can't be cured. You know, like a child molester.

From Charles M. Blow's NYT opinion piece, "Trump's Agents of Idiocracy."

There is no Electoral College clause that blunts ferocious opposition to the demeaning of women and racial, ethnic and religious minorities in this country; there is no Election Day reset on the coddling of white supremacy.

Furthermore, the emergence of Donald Trump as a political figure has threatened to kill many of the ideals that we hold dear: decency and decorum, inclusion and empathy, truth and facts themselves.

Trump and his agents of idiocracy are now engaged in an all-out crusade to exaggerate the scope of his victory, rewrite racial history, justify their vendettas and hostilities and erase the very distinction between true and false.

Meanwhile Michigan will now be joining Wisconsin in recounting their ballots from the election, and Jill Stein will be holding a "recount rally" in front of Trump Tower this morning to update everyone on the results so far.

A gunman entered a Washington restaurant with an assault rifle after reading a fake news story about Hillary Clinton running a child abuse ring in the business.

The death toll of that horrible warehouse fire in Oakland has risen to 36, and it's been revealed that the building—which hosted art studios and "makeshift residences"—had received numerous safety complaints.

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has resigned and the country is in position to leave the EU.

Now let's look at the WEATHER outside: Brrrrrrr! Off and on showers, possibly containing snow and sleet today with a high of only 41.

And finally, here's what dum-dum Donald Trump said about the latest skewering he received from Saturday Night Live:

And here's the video that proves they were absolutely right. SAD!