Quebec City at a dark hour...
Quebec City at a dark hour... Getty Images

And so, after a day of heated speculation, and Trump supporters going nuts about how Muslim terrorists attacked a Mosque in Quebec City on Sunday, the smoke is now clearing and the person at the center of this terrorist action—which claimed six lives and injured 15 people—the one who is in custody, the one charged with the shooting is a certain Alexandre Bissonnette. NBC News reports that he is "a loner with anti-immigrant views." People mining social network sites attached to this name are coming up with the racists Trump and Le Pen. There has been a sea-change on Twitter from the right...

To left...

The problem with the deliberate agitation caused by Trump's Muslim ban, and why it exposes Americans to harm, is it heats up the confused feelings of those who are already under mental stress or are dealing with mental disorders. We live in a society that so badly wants to believe that terrorist actions are committed by clearheaded people. This belief is pushed because it encourages the worst solutions to the problem: increased access to guns, increased policing, and increased militarism. But if mental illness was found to play a role in many of these tragedies, we would do what the right hates to do: improve services for vulnerable people. It will be interesting to see how Canadians deal with such a terrible situation.