It's been a long week, with some long, crazy questions and some long, helpful answers (from me and the commenters), so I'm going to take it easy today and keep this one short.

I'm a bi woman in my early 20s. My partner lives about an hour away from me. We see each other about three times a week, and every time we meet up, we have sex 3-4 times. On the days when I don't see him, I masturbate pretty much at least once a day. I've tried to stop masturbating but I can't seem to. Should I be concerned about my really high sex drive? My lust are...

Distressing This Female


Stop distressing (about your sex drive), DTF, and keep de-stressing (with good sex when you’re with your BF, daily masturbation when you’re apart). Enjoy.

Now won't you please join me in watching...

Vivamus dui velit, vehicula non sodales a, aliquet sit amet orci. In lorem nulla, porttitor a nibh ac, auctor sodales libero. Phasellus sit amet consectetur urna, sed congue neque. Mauris a commodo arcu, sed commodo libero. Nam vel orci sapien. Pellentesque ac magna hendrerit, efficitur purus dapibus, facilisis est. Maecenas tortor ante, lacinia eget ante vitae, aliquet interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi quis bibendum arcu.

It's been a long week, with some long, crazy questions and some long, helpful answers (from me and the commenters), so I'm going to take it easy today and keep this one short.

I'm a bi woman in my early 20s. My partner lives about an hour away from me. We see each other about three times a week, and every time we meet up, we have sex 3-4 times. On the days when I don't see him, I masturbate pretty much at least once a day. I've tried to stop masturbating but I can't seem to. Should I be concerned about my really high sex drive? My lust are...

Distressing This Female


Stop distressing (about your sex drive), DTF, and keep de-stressing (with good sex when you’re with your BF, daily masturbation when you’re apart). Enjoy.

Now won't you please join me in watching "Are We Ready For Robot Relationships," a debate that took place at De Montfort University in the UK in late February.

Remember, kids: It's okay to have a smart phone and it's okay to have a toaster and it's okay to have a Fleshlight. But things get problematic when you duct tape your smart phone and your Fleshlight to your toaster and name it Doug.

Vivamus dui velit, vehicula non sodales a, aliquet sit amet orci. In lorem nulla, porttitor a nibh ac, auctor sodales libero. Phasellus sit amet consectetur urna, sed congue neque. Mauris a commodo arcu, sed commodo libero. Nam vel orci sapien. Pellentesque ac magna hendrerit, efficitur purus dapibus, facilisis est. Maecenas tortor ante, lacinia eget ante vitae, aliquet interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi quis bibendum arcu.