Cannabuzz Feb 11, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Keep Your Edibles from Becoming Regrettables


Ingesting Cannabis is a waste and it's not as good a trip; more a body stone. If that's what you want, smoking hash or Indica buds is much more economical, and it's still a better trip than brownies.
Eating it is useful for a lot of things. However some of the products up north are unbelievably irresponsible - 350mg THC in a (SMALL) brownie. One decent bite and you'd be destroyed for the day. That is way, way too much for basically anyone who isn't on megadose therapy.
Good old fashioned Panama Red is total creeper. You smoke a few hits and feel sort of funny, but can't quite figure out if you're actually stoned or not, so you finish the rest of the joint. After a short while, you're totally cartooned out, hallucinating your fucking ass off, but still think you're not stoned enough yet, so you stuff a few flower tops into a pipe and light it up. Between four of us, we used to smoke a lid of that shit, each and every day, with absolutely no tolerance build up, what so ever.

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