Cannabuzz Mar 11, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Pot and Pets


Dumb and ignorant. Stop treating cannabis like it's a drug. It isnt. It cannot hurt you. We do not need "more research". It cannot make you an addict. It won't harm children. Rabbits get used to people who don't hurt them, so they don't run away. There are millions of cases of "proof" that say cannabis cannot hurt you, and zero that prove it can. The only arguments against it are ludicrous and based on ignorance. There is no toxic amount. It does not change your behavior any more than a placebo. Sugar makes you stupider than any amount of cannabis.
We also know for a fact, not a theory or opinion, that it was only made illegal to increase the power and holdings of 4 people.
Anslinger, Hearst, Mellon, and DuPont.
Government agent, Timber baron, Banker, Chemical producer.
These are what facts look like. Not "it will make your baby into Hitler".
Save your opinions for an editorial or an I, Anonymous post. Columns should be filled with facts and cite-able sources.

Pets ingesting cannabis will NOT overdose and die. It's completely harmless to ALL life. Stop publishing stupid fucking fear-pieces and move onto some actual news.

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