I, Anonymous Jun 2, 2011 at 4:00 am

Dadness Madness


Dude... man.

We have enough problems on this planet with over-population as it is, and breeders such as you certainly aren't making the load any easier. If you're going to breed, the LEAST you can do is not be an asshole to some poor random person. You're in fucking Oregon, it RAINS! Here it is the 1st of June and it's fucking raining!

Noone told you to have kids, dude. You've already decided you're going to be selfish though. So hows about if you chill out?
Geez, DomosA. This whole thing is an apology. He's not mad that he has kids, he is nervous because its so new. Don't blame him for overpopulation. Take your own advice and "chill out".
Portlanders back out of parking spots without checking for other cars, bicycles or pedestrians. It's a fact of life here. Be cautious and act accordingly; freak the fuck out and let them know how stupid and dangerous they are. Let them know that they nearly turned a ton of steel into a weapon. Don't be a big pussy and apologize for THEIR possibly fatal carelessness.
The guy should've apologised for being such a big jerk. The person in the car NEARLY hit him apparently, but stopped just in time. No harm, no foul. Really folks, it's no excuse to have a total fucking melt down in public over.

Besides, had it not occured to anyone that maybe HE wasn't looking where he was going?
He was yelling at you, wasn't he? You poor thing.
Good on this guy for apologizing. Never any harm in that.
Ironic that Portland seems to be overrun with narcissists like DamosA who think the world is "overpopulated" except for them, of course. Can't someone do something about how our city is overcrowded with people who think the world is overcrowded? Oh wait, that would mean trying to control other people's reproductive decisions, something no self-respecting ... oh, never mind.
The next person who bitches about "overpopulation" and "breeders" to someone with ONE baby or young child should voluntarily shoot themselves in the head. There! Problem solved.

Somebody's going to have to pay the taxes to take care of your child-free decrepit old ass someday, so say THANK YOU to your future caretakers. Intelligent, educated people who take the step to have one or two kids are not selfish, they are contributing to a stronger society and more selfless than you will ever know.

Now dudes who sit around typing inane comments all day, acting like big babies that never grow up, devouring the world's resources and producing nothing but shit in return... now that's selfish.
damosA needs a hug i thought there was an age limit before you could talk with the big kids
Let's take a poll from all the regular readers of I-Anon comments:

Do you think damosA is a major d-bag?
It's really sad to see that most of the people who come here making foolish, un-educated comments just seem to not have a grip n reality. Everyone wants to flip out and have these hysterical, knee-jerk reactions to the most insignificant "issues", while gleefully ignoring far more pressing problems - like over-population for starters.

People, both queers as well as conventional breeders, seem to be under the impression that having countless children is somehow a "gawd-given" right. Everyone feels that breeding is not a responsibility, but an absolute right. They regard having kids as a commodity - I WANT WHAT I WANT AND I WANT IT NOW, DAMMIT! If THAT'S not selfish, i don't know what is.
"Conventional breeders"? Gee, what an enlightened, educated comment, referring to your fellow human beings as if they were cattle. Of course raising children is a responsibility and yes, not everyone is up to the task. But you made the decision to tar a young father with the "overpopulation" brush, and now cry foul when more sane people call you on your b.s. It sounds to me like you either are deeply envious of folks who have had children or simply are incapable of accepting the fact that some people might not agree with you. And I can assure you, as a parent, there's nothing "selfish" about being responsible. Yes, it may be selfish to have an orgasm and walk away from the child conceived -- people do it all the time. But anyone who's raised children can tell you it takes ENORMOUS sacrifice and patience, not to mention money, time and worry. You also don't seem to grasp that overpopulation is a highly debatable term -- who, exactly, are the extra people? Could it be, say, wealthy childless Portlanders who vote liberal but actually live off family or personal fortunes made by exploiting the poor? It's a lot more complicated than "overpopulation," a term invented by rich, well fed people protected by armed might from sharing the earth's resources if there ever was one.
Hold on there *IceCreamMan, back up a bit.

Don't get soo gosh darn full of yourself, just because you happen to have offspring, with your "You don't know, so you don't understand" arguement. I happen to know a thing or two about raising children myself - i DO have a little sister 'n all. So don't go off thinking that what you do is soo special. Kids are just people afterall... only smaller and easier to handle. Demonstrating your ability to make more people hardly grants you special rights, dude. Lots of living things do it - quite common actually.

And don't take such an offense to [what you percieved] as a comparision to cattle. What makes you think you're soo much better than cattle, anyways. That's speciesism. That's where problems start, you know... when certain people start thinking that they're "better" than everyone and everything else. Hello, WW2?

Anyways, i wasn't really even going off on "ANGRY PARKING LOT GUY'S" supposedly rightious breeder status. Just the fact that he had this complete freak-out on some innocent random person in public, because HE didn't have HIS shit together on that day. That alone was bad enough, but then he had the nerve to use his "new dad" status as an excuse for being a total a-hole!
Granted, he did sorta apologize after realizing what an a-hole he was, possibly traumatizing some random person who didn't deserve it, and setting an awful precident for his new offspring. So yeah, i'll give him that - eventhough it is a kind of a round-a-bout not-really-an-apology apology.

All i know is, he's lucky it wasn't ME he went off on that day. I'm not the one to mess with. This guy should take some parenting classes, check his attitude, and let his wife/gf do the grocery shopping next time. Isn't that HER job, anyways?
Jesus Christ. You people really sit here and argue with a guy who consistantly is the first to post a response on IA every week? Feel sorry for him. He clearly has no life and people have obviously stopped listening to him in 3-D. Lets stop feeding him here. I know, I know...Im commenting also......
That's actually not true. I was NOT the first to comment on "Bust Among Neighbors".

You sir should do alittle fact-checking before you go shooting your keyboard off.
Wow, now we've gone from an argument over a guy who didn't want his baby hit by a car to the underlying causes of World War II! You really know how to read into things, DamosA, gotta give you credit for that. I would suggest you take your own advice and slow down -- this guy was APOLOGIZING for overreacting to the driver. You then took him to task for having a child, as if only the childless should be allowed to ... well, I don't know what? At some point, if no one has children, who will post in IA? Or read the scintillating commentary in the Mercury? Or listen to plaintive indie rock at Bunk? What is your agenda? You're alive, so obviously you don't think you're consuming too many resources. You're pro-cow, I get that, and salute you as I relax at Burgerville. You seem to be kinda lost. I will send you positive thoughts and hope you find your purpose for living someday, something more positive than bashing people who are following the biological calling to reproduce and actually finding it to be a fulfilling path in life, free of guilt and shame.
I'm not lost, brother. I know EXACTLY who i am, where i am. and what i want [and don't won't] out of life.
It seems to me that [most] of the people who write these incipid IA letters are the lost ones. Well, good for them that they seem to have such an adoring audience willing to encourage their bad behaviour.

There goes society...
Seriously, man, seek therapy. That shit works. We're rooting for ya. We really don't care to hear your thoughts on things, and you should definitely avoid trying for sardonic, challenging humor, because you really aren't good at it and it just comes across like trolling (made worse by your commenting several times on every frickin column), but we still wish you the best on your road towards managing your mental health. Now, if you could just do your struggling for social acceptance somewhere else, that'd be great, thanks. Good luck, buddy!
After that young boy was mowed down and killed while his father was pushing him in a stroller outside of the Interstate Fred Meyer several months back...parents should be paranoid of their youngster's safety.
DamosA. Agree with all your opposition on here. GET THERAPY.
Labeling this guy as a breeder when you know jack about him and his family is just plain ignorant, and worse than a troll. If you are concerned about over population start with your own family because we most definitely don't need anymore of your bloodline contaminating our society. "No one told you to have kids dude." Where in the hell do you get off on this shit?

On another note...
You know what I do when my windows are foggy in the rain? Roll all 4 of them down, move very slowly with periodic stops, turn my head both ways to check all blind spots and sometimes I even GOAL (Get Out And Look). There are also rear defoggers. Paranoid Dads + Paranoid Drivers = safer roads and parking lots.
Maybe Mr. "Dad" wasn't paranoid, but simply careless. Maybe he just darted out in the path of this car and the driver JUST HAPPENED to see his dumbass and stop in the nick of time. Afterwhich, he freaked out on this poor person, instead of apologizing right there on the spot.

Had any of this NOT occured to anyone else here? We're only getting HIS side of the story. I'd say ANGRY PARKING LOT GUY'S opinion might be alittle bias.
Jesus Christ, man! Do all of your arguments here boil down to *in a whiny voice* "Maybe it didn't happen like the 'I, Anonymous' dude says? Did you ever think of that?" Ummm, yes. I will speak for everyone: It occurred to us. All of us. We just don't care, and respond to this amusing little column by accepting it at face value.

Try not to take things so seriously. Okay, little guy? Or at least change your name to Napolean.
Ok, so it's fine to just accept ALL these I Anons at face value... until you DON'T agree with the letter writer's pov, right?

Maybe people who send in letters ANONYMOUSLY shouldn't be necessarily taken for their golden word?
@ 8... I totally concur!
once you have kids you should be forced to move out of portland . get that shit out of here .
@isaywhatiwant- Thanks for making me giggle.
You people know what? 20 years from now when the human population surpasses 10,000,000,000 and the price of food is 123% more than is costs now and America degrades to a 3rd world living Hell, i wonder what you'll all have to say about your pro-breeding policy then, huh?
Is that before or after the U.S. is sold to and colonized by the Chinese, Damos?
By then, only the Chinese will be able to save us. Their 'one-brat' policy is something the U.S. would do good to learn from.
I see your special brand of logic is in full bloom this evening...yeah, the 2.5 billion Chinese people will save us...and we have so much to learn about from their style of government...really wonderful policies they have over there.

You suck at math, dude.
...to learn from...
Well since YOU'RE against China soo much, i can assume you own/buy/wear/consume nothing that was made in China, eh?
Against China? How do you figure? Do I hold the Chinese government in high regard? No. Do I own/consume Chinese made products? Of course I do. Not sure how any of this has anything to do with the fact that China's population has grown by 74 million (despite the one-child policy) in the past decade vs 27 million in the U.S.? And I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with some contrite angry guy in a Fred Meyer parking lot.
Well that's because China isn't ENFORCING it's very smart policy strictly enough. Plus, you have millions of breeders over there who're CHEATING, that is, having a SECOND child and not reporting it to the provintial govt. like they're suppose to. You have literally an entire generation of kids in China that're not on paper and haven't at all been formally documented by Chinese birth authorities.

THAT'S the problem over there.
Wrong again, Damos. China's population growth has slowed significantly as a result of their policy (it's also led to the murder of countless newborn girls...c'est la vie, right?). The reason their population continues to grow more quickly than that of every other country in the world (with the exception of India) is because they already have more than 1.3 billion people.
And again, the very reason China's current population is at or around 1.3 billion people is percisely because birth authorities there have not done a stringent enough job of enforcing their one-child policy. Sure, human breeding has indeed slowed some what in China, but not nearly enough to make a positive difference.

All of those extra mouthes have to be fed. All those extra heads have to have a roof over them. And ofcourse, people have to be put to work. China's pop. has slowed, but it still grows at a much faster rate than the U.S.. Do the math, and it translates into fewer jobs HERE, and more jobs THERE.

My very reasonable point is, over-population is a global/economic issue. More people = greater austerity. Fewer people = greater prosperity.

Perhapes if ANGRY PARKING LOT GUY hadn't any offspring at all, he could afford to shop at a nicer store like Zupans, instead of having to stress and budget at some Fred Meyers where he nearly got run over.

It all comes down to personal responsibility.
DamosA, you are by far the most entertaining aspect of I, Anonymous. The Portland Mercury should sponsor you to moderate ALL of their comment threads!
god don't give damosA any motivation the guy is the definition of the very thing that is worng with america. you do realize many people who do not have children still can't afford to shop at zupans mainly because fred meyers will sell you the same thing zupans will for much less. of course that as well is probably my fault as my dad was a janitor and not someone with the means to raise a spoiled totally out of touch with reality trust fund baby.
If a person cannot afford Zupan's quality delicatessens, then that person probably has no business breeding in the first place. What are you going to do, raise a child on food stamps for life?

Man, I haven't commented in awhile.

Sorry, but I gotta side with DamosA on this one (even tho I hate him). No mercy for baby-havers. Please wear condoms, everybody. And exercise your pro-choice freedoms!
How is having a strong viewpoint and/or opinion bad? If anything not having strong viewpoints is a bad thing.
the beav when you type America it makes me think you are thinking of South America. If you mean U.S.A. or North America type that. Please.
China's population control policy has consistently led to the murder of infant girls. Period. If you believe girls should be killed because they might grow up to be economically dependent breeders, then China and, in fact, the whole population control movement, has your back. What post-college 20-something population controllers living in a place like Portland having shallow conversations with their likeminded friends never get is you can't control people without killing them or throwing them in jail. That's the way the world actually works. Not everyone will use birth control. Not everyone believes in abortion. Therefore, you will, at some point, have to make a choice -- do you respect other people's rights to procreate or not? If you don't, fine, but be prepared to enforce that by imprisoning or killing them or forcing women to have abortions or denying them economic rights. That's what places like China, and, in the 1970s, India, did when men were kidnapped and forced to undergo sterilizations. Social chaos was the result because they acted on the ideology that DamosA and his, uh, one ally on this thread believe in. But don't let the annoying fact that population controllers bust heads and break hearts bother your pleasant little fantasy world.
So basically "icecreaman", you want total chaos, right? No, that's what you're advocating, is total and completely chaos. Because mark MY words, that's what you will be getting in a world where TEN BILLION PEOPLE are fighting over resources from a planet that cannot possibly support TEN BILLION PEOPLE.

And if people are just too goddamned foolish, careless, stubborn, or stupid to use birth control then perhapes the govt. NEEDS to step in and take responsible measures.

I know it sounds unpleasent, but would rather have mass cannibalism???

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