Letters May 27, 2010 at 4:00 am


What is wrong with people who subscribe to cliques? Is inanity "enough" for these chodes? Does snubbing people not already "in" give them the warm fuzzies and declare, somewhere in their little-used brains, their lives to be meaningful or accomplished?
Speaking of books, does last week's letter writter KAREN K. JAMES think that BITCH magazine is mysoginistic too?
Who the fuck ever said a cops job is to avoid confrontation? That has to be one of the most misinformed, ignorant fucking statements I have ever heard.

If TimB wasn't so sure of his own intelligence, he would realize that every thing a cop does is a confrontation. From a simple traffic stop to a domestic violence call, it is all confrontation. What TimB has obviously never taken the time to understand is that the VERY presence of a uniformed officer is considered a use of force, failure to promptly comply with an officers orders justifies an increase in the degree of force used.
Maybe if the police saw traffic citations, domestic disputes, and disorderly conduct calls as something other than an opportunity to confront and ultimately dominate, we would have less dead crazies. Crazy people don't always comprehend compliance as a means to an outcome they will benefit from...that's why we call them "crazy".

So fuck the police and everyone else who is too callous to care about anything other than their own safety. Motherfucker, we pay you to put your life on the line, not to shoot and gutstomp every sorry sack of shit who remotely resembles a threat to your personal safety.

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