Letters May 13, 2015 at 4:20 pm


Thank you MKW, I agree that:

"It is irresponsible of those of us who want to see this drug used happily and safely, both for recreation and medicine, to imply to the general public that marijuana is not a drug and is 100 percent safe."

However, "...marijuana extracts, which are basically 98-99 percent active THC." These numbers are simply incorrect. Extracts that have 80%-85% "active THC" (scientifically known as delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol) are about the highest concentrations available, and those are the rarer extractions. A search of local dispensaries menus will show that, on average, most extracts contain around 70% THC. There are no extracts available that are 90%+ that I can find. I think the more accurate statement would be that cannabis extracts often contain 70%-80% delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

Additionally, cannabis contains 483 chemical compounds, of which 83 are cannabinoids, of which Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid is one. Decarboxylation occurs naturally in the drying and curing process of cannabis and can be accelerated by applying more heat. Not all cannabinoids need to be "activated" by decarboxylation; but you are correct, Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid needs to be decarboxylated into delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in order to have a psychoactive effect. Since any drying, burning, vaporizing, baking of cannabis will decarboxylate it, non "activated" cannabis pretty much refers to fresh flowers. Medical patients have experimented with and anecdotally studied juicing fresh flowers, which would not be decarboxylated, but most cannabis consumed recreationally and medically is decarboxylated at one step or another.

Not to get all long worded and scientific, but as we learn more about cannabis and become more socially accepting of it, I think it is important not to exaggerate THC percentages or use terms that can be confusing or misleading without context.
The herb, Cannabis is no more a drug than is the herb, Poppy, irrespective of pharmacological effects. There is an unfounded hysteria about falsely alleged harmful effects of Cannabis, which is non-toxic. Even concentrates, no matter how strong, are not toxic.

If one is wealthy enough to consume vast quantities of expensive, concentrates, the likely result will be sleep. In fact, most concentrates are made from Indica, which is mostly CBD. However, concentrates from Sativa are available and much more psychedelic and stimulating, which might cause paranoia and panic attacks, as can also result from smoking lots of Vietnamese Black.

Big deal.

Just smoke something with more CBD to counter it. You'll be totally loaded, but much more relaxed.

Vitamin A is toxic and will kill you if you take too much. If one drinks too much water, they will become drunk and die from diluted blood. Eating too much sugar can result in a hyperglycemic attack which could put you in a diabetic type coma.
The hidden agenda of the pharmacist, MK Welch, is to condemn Cannabis with faint praise.

With Cannabis legal, nobody needs to consult a physician or buy from a pharmacy. Consumers can simply grow their own, and teat themselves with home remedy.

Prozac and other Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are essentially Fluoride, a substance so toxic that Federal law prohibits it being dumped in the Willamette. Prozac type drugs are as popular nowadays as dangerously radioactive cell phones.

Cannabis is a safe alternative to Prozac.

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