Savage Love Aug 7, 2008 at 4:00 am

Fluids and Solids


"according to the results of 2003 study conducted at LUG-infested Northwestern University" ? Talk about vague and amorphous may we have a link? The category "Homosexual" is an invention of men. See - viz "The term "homoerotic" carries with it the weight of modern classifications of love and desire that some contend[who?]did not exist in previous eras. Homosexuality as we know it today was not fully codified until the mid-20th century, though this process began much earlier:

Following in the tradition of [Michel] Foucault, scholars such as Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and David Halperin have argued that various Victorian public discourses, notably the psychiatric and the legal, fostered a designation or invention of the "homosexual" as a distinct category of individuals, a category solidified by the publications of sexologists such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902) and Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), sexologists who provided an almost-pathological interpretation of the phenomenon in rather Essentialist terms, an interpretation that led, before 1910, to hundreds of articles on the subject in The Netherlands, Germany, and elsewhere. One result of this burgeoning discourse was that the "homosexual" was often portrayed as a corrupter of the innocent, with a predisposition towards both depravity and paederasty — a necessary portrayal if Late-Victorian and Edwardian sexologists were to account for the continuing existence of the "paederast" in a world that had suddenly become bountiful in "homosexuals." (Kaylor, Secreted Desires, p. 33)"

Hetero sex has one purpose - breeding - but since we have free will it is possible to express Love via the breeding ritual. Since same sex was banned for the purpose of peopling nations it's rediscovery assumed the characteristics of the breeding ritual this is why there is gender confusion - e.g., "it's your turn to be the boy" How about if I just be human. Personally I'm amazed that any of these issues still exist. It's mind boggling that people are so incapable of radical analysis - the Fear of God has been imposed upon them?
Study can be found here:

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