Savage Love Mar 22, 2012 at 4:00 am

Two Dudes, One Cup


Or, if you want to be a little more environmentally friendly, skip the Softcup, get a Diva Cup for your menstrual needs (lasts for 10 or more years), and a cervical cap to keep that blood in place during intercourse. Added benefit: reliable, non-homonal birth control!

And, yes, ladies and gentlemen: if you can receive/stick a penis in there, you really shouldn't have any problems with in loco barrier methods. If you do, maybe sit out this sex thing for a while until, you are mature enough to play.
=As Many Dudes As You Like, Two Cups!
Uhhhhhh You can't have sex with a Diva Cup in. They're a totally different shape than Instead Softcups. Softcups resemble diaphragms. Diva Cups look more like funnels.
So take the cup out while he's rolling a rubber on. Man we're an efficient species with our rubber products!
Taking the Diva Cup out while he's putting the rubber on won't stop you from getting blood everywhere if you're bleeding heavily (and it's still going to be in the way when he tries to finger you first), and the Instead Cup is also a lot more comfortable for a lot of women. If you like the reusability of the Diva Cup, then use it most of the time and grab yourself some Instead Cups just for bloody sexy time. They're also great if your partner is uncomfortable with oral sex while you're bleeding because they make it possible to have blood free cunnilingus.

But please be aware that both are contraindicated for women with IUDs because they can sometimes cause it to slip out (read the packages, that's what the warning against using cups with IUDs is about). That definitely doesn't happen to everyone, but it's a possibility that potential cups users with IUDs should be aware of.

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