Negative Scanner, Arctic Flowers, Dark/Light, Dr. Identity

This event is in the past
Fri., April 15, 8 p.m. 2016
The Know Hollywood (Seattle)
Bands excel in many different ways. If you're a punk band, you could do worse than always sounding like a train speeding wildly down the tracks, with the potential for derailment around every sharp turn. On last year's self-titled debut, released by the great Trouble in Mind record label, Negative Scanner has that quality locked down. The Chicago band leans toward the post-punk side of punk, pitting Rebecca Valeriano-Flores' snarled bark against savage bass lines and sharply barbed guitars in a package that's taut and concise, but with a proud ragged edge. Tonight, Negative Scanner's DIY tour brings them to the Know, where they'll share a shadowy bill with like-minded local punk bands Arctic Flowers, Dark/Light, and Dr. Identity. BEN SALMON

Event Location

The Know

3728 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, Oregon 97232 Venue website

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