Bikes Jun 9, 2011 at 4:00 am

Socialist Government Subsidies of Cars Must End!


Elly, I see an AM radio show in your future!
elly blue hates you because you are free!
=ยค= What this piece needs is an accompanying Mallard Fillmore comic strip by conservative cartoonist/bike commuter Bruce Tinsley. Tinsley is anxious to point out that he doesn't ride for reasons of energy efficiency. (He is not, however, eager to discuss whether his multiple DUIs have anything to do with it.)
Hear, Hear, Ms. Blue! I too, am nearly ill at the way our conservative values have been so relentlessly trampled by the tax and spend republicrats! Why, in AMERICA, are we subsidizing the LAZY? I look forward to the day when once again we have leadership willing to tell us like it is, to call us to the path of virtue and old-fashioned effort! I speak of course of this speech by our last great conservative president:
Is it just me, or do others get irritated at the sight of a long line of cars idling at a drive-thru?
Great article. Could you please share some of your sources for the numbers? Eg, 28 cents, 40 percent, $9
Yeah let's do away with the country's infrastructure and disable mass transportation. We can build our bikes out of locally available materials (wood and?) using stone tools, until a fleet of tireless (rubberless for sure) cyclist from the rust belt get here with their saddlebags of iron. I hear they are pushing their cast-iron bikes up the east slopes of the Rockies as we speak (the news arrived by pidgeon-post this morning).
Many of the figures in this article (including the 28 cents) comes from this journal article:

There have been a lot of studies of the on the real cost of gas, with most of them placing it between $5 and $13. We thought $9 was the most accurate figure, but here's a couple other articles on the matter:…

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