General Oct 30, 2008 at 4:00 am

In Search of the Elusive Nutria


I am about to give up. I've tried to send a comment on this story twice and it just erases when I send it.
In a nutshell, I was saddened to read how stupid the writer was to go feed some wild animals, scare them, then act as if they were mean and make it into a funny story. He then gave away some of their locations. Nutria are sweet and do not attack people. They may hiss trying to protect their young, but they always run away. I knew one once as a pet and he was like a little dog; very playful, intellligent and sweet. He made adorable noises like purring, humming, and talking. Here in Oregon they periodically kill off Nutria by trapping them in very inhumane ways and then killing them. That wasn't mentioned in the story. People brought these "non-native" animals here for their own use, and when they realized nutria eat foliage they decided to get rid of them. (just like all the other non-native species we've brought here). It was human error. I truly hope your story causes no harm to these innocent animals. Please think before you write.
LR -SW Portland
Nice job. Not only did you make yourself sound like a complete p*ssy, you have now provided the location for people to go and bother the nutria.
Given a choice between the hipsters and the nutria I'm thinking the nutria sound like better company, especially if you are one of the hipsters.
Why do you think it is so amusing to go feed the nutria, adding to the problem of them learning to approach humans for snacks AND give the location where others can do the same? They are non-native, yes, but do you think they bought plane tickets to Oregon with the idea that they would take over native ponds and streams? NO. We humans brought them here and OOPS! let them go. Now they are a PROBLEM and some people around here think the way to deal with them is to kill them in some rather inhumane ways. Did you happen to ask how they trap them? Did they happen to mention that they set traps for them underwater where they are caught and die by drowning?
Pretty funny, huh?
Did you bother to interview anyone who LIKES them? or who has met one in person and can tell you what they are really like?
Are YOU a native? and I don't mean just born here. Everyone is soooooo ready to talk about how destructive the nutria are but how about you take a drive around the Portland area and see how many trees are cut down, rivers polluted, and wildlife habitats are RUINED just so us humans can have a ridiculously huge Mc Mansion in a sprawling housing development usually ironically named after whatever tree species was chopped down to build the houses.
I hear all the time how non-native species contribute to the decline of the native species. Yeah, it's ALL the nutrias' fault that you never see a beaver. Certainly not OUR fault - oh no!!!
But I realize that humans as an invasive species doesn't make a funny "hip" Mercury story.
I wish you would think before you write a story like this one that makes fun of an animal that through NO fault of it's own has become the object of intense hatred and cruel extermination practices.

It's the Ledding Library--not "Lending". Please fact check before you go to print!
Matt Davis is a complete moron. It shows the integrity and quality of writers for the Portland Mercury as well. The story is total BS. I have lived in Milwaukie for over 14 years and visit the library and nutria frequently. These animals are a joy to watch and have never shown any aggressiveness ever. There have never been any complaints reported , check Milwaukie Police records, and these sweet orange toothed animals have had a nice little life. Now some macho outdoorsman, thanks to this article, will probably show up with some snares or a pellet rifle and rid Milwaukie of these vile, evil, blood thirsty rodents. Nice going Jackass, you are a real DS.

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