Queer Jun 5, 2008 at 4:00 am

Hanging out with Portland's Gay Rights Gun Club


You know, Matt...there was a mistake in this article that almost got me beaten up at Pride:

I quote:
"You know trannies use duct tape to tuck it back," says Gilbert.

"They don't use it to shut up, that's for sure," says Ark. "At least not the ones I've known."

That should have been "drag queens," not trannies.

Now, if you have ever met a trannie, they aren't typically the loud, brash personalities would want duct tape laying around for. Not what you would think of when you think, "Duct Tape."

Drag Queens, OTOH, are quite loud and brash. Indeed, I have yet to meet one that is not. Do not mistake me: I love them plenty, and one of the reasons I love them is for that very quality that one would want duct-tape. They cannot be silenced and refuse to hide.

Those keepers of the larger than life feminine flame are amazing in their ability to not only stand out in a crowd, fabulously of course, but also to pursue, doggedly, the issues that they care about.

And yes, they do not use duct-tape to shut up.

Oh, and I wasn't alone in my surprise at your misquote: everyone there that overheard us remembered the term "drag queen" as well. It really offended a good friend of mine, and when I saw her last, she offered up some duct tape :-(

While I generally like this article, I am DEEPLY offended by the use of the term 'tranny'...

It is NEVER okay to use the 'T" word. This is the 21st century, please respect the rights of transgender women to their human dignity...

I wouldn't dream of deriding any of my fellow LGBT allies, apparently that consideration doesn't go both ways...

Sign me, Shocked
I wonder how much those boys will piss & moan about their Second Amendment rights being trampled on after their precious Obummer decides to take them away if he gets re-elected (God forbid).

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