Sex Mar 11, 2010 at 4:00 am

How Portland Makes Sex—And How Technology Makes it Better!


I wrote up a comparison between the 2009 and 2010 Mercury Sex Surveys -…
No doubt the numbers are small, but it would have been interesting to learn how many of the respondents regarded themselves as "straight leaning," "gay leaning," "pansexual," "bisexual," "asexual" -- or selected "keep your antiquted labels to yourself."
To the female who said:"I'd love to know the spot where men will actually approach a good-looking lady and strike up a conversation."

First off, ARE you a good-looking lady? Because, in this town, there's a 100 guys for every 1 attractive female. (I said, ATTRACTIVE female.)

And second, stop hanging out at gay bars and then, maybe, you'll find out!
I can't believe you guys picked the theme 'Sexy Technology' and then proceeded to be boooooooring! You guys missed all the fun. You mention robot sex (an unrealized dream) and porn (so old-school) but neglected the internet fantasy combo - virtual sex between avatars! Pixelated porn that you control as your whim decrees. It is sexy as all get out and leave us to get it on. It's the ultimate in animated porn and you get to be in full control of your fantasy!

On Second Life (SL), a virtual world, avatars are the new millenium's Ken & Barbie with anatomically correct parts (that work in every way), custom bodies (keep it real, go sexy-wild, or be the animal you always wanted to be), clothes (or not), and animations (including every possible sexual position ever tried and then some)!

You can date, have forplay (or not), just hook-up for a one event show, or whatever rows your boat (and in SL there is a lot of unusual and interesting boat rowings going on). Gay, straight, sweet, savage, twisted, kinky, or cute - it's your fantasy and you are in charge - slex to your heart's desire.

You can dance, date, hitch up with a partner, have a marriage ceremony, have babies even or just wander from orgy to orgy or, what the hell - just watch everyone else.

It's free (you can subscribe for more perks) and only requires a decent computer and video card to play it. There are plenty of other sites like it - Second Life is just my personal favorite! PS I do not have any financial interest here and am just chatting 'bout what I like - there are other virtual worlds and, I am sure, places to get your avatar emoting.

Plus: a cool vid that sets the mood:
More kink questions next year please!
More kinky questions next year! You know we like it rough!
motherfuck i posted the same comment twice.
Should have read "and I'd make them call me Marla", not "Maria". I'd say what it's a reference to but then I'd be breaking the first rule...
mobile phones
i think ARE you a good-looking noblewoman? Because, in this townspeople, there's a 100 guys for every 1 photogenic someone. (I said, Spellbinding person.)
mobile phones

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