Movies & TV Mar 18, 2010 at 4:00 am

The Red Baron's Sweet Action and Questionable Idealism


Do you have any idea how hard it is finding credible actors that speak German Skinner? That poser Hasselhoff does'nt speak a word! At least they did'nt roll with Germans speaking English with a bad teutonic accent
Wolfgang Petersen
There is very compelling evidence that Richthofen was killed by ground fire from an australian machine gunner. Richthofen invented quite a bit of what is still used in modern aerial combat, particularly tactically. Perhaps one of his most infamous fellow flyers was none other than Herman Goring , who would of course go on to be Air Reichminister in the Second World War. Curious to see if any of the above is touched on in this film.
@ The Showstopper: It shouldn't be that hard when the majority of the cast is GERMAN.

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