Movies & TV Dec 16, 2010 at 4:00 am

Do You Like Tron: Legacy? Then You're a Fucking Imbecile.

TRON: LEGACY "Excuse me, Ms. Wilde? Mr. Cassano has a glowstick he'd like to give you."



I know too well the bitter, vomitty taste of disappointment in film (every "adaptation" "based on" Crichton or King, e.g.).
Shitty movie, shitty column. You're not The Onion, stop trying so hard.
Why can't Hollywood just leave good movies alone? Dayum! Funny tho, if I remember correctly the original movie didnt do so well at the box office, but the video game and comic books went bananas at the cash register.
Despite the undeniable hottness of Quorra, the romance was shockingly tepid. Hell, Shrek and Fiona had steamier onscreen chemistry.
Despite the undeniable hottness of Quorra, the romance was shockingly tepid. Hell, Shrek and Fiona had steamier onscreen chemistry.
Frank sounds like a total ass without much real thought into how to be a creative one. I've never been impressed with the sophomoric writing of the Merc, or with their legendary(to them)movie critics, I have to assume the job of movie critic falls to those who "Like" movies because I sense a real lack of interest, knowledge, and heart. Everyone knows how to write the word "Fuck" in their reviews though, how creative. Lay off the comics, get your hand off your knob when looking at R. Crumb drawings and go to a few movies older than you are, in other words, get some perspective.
I've met Frank and actually he's a very nice guy.

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