Movies & TV Jun 7, 2012 at 4:00 am

Moonrise Kingdom Sure Is a Wes Anderson Movie!

MOONRISE KINGDOM “So left at Precocious Falls and right at Twee Forest—then we’ll be at Precious Lake!”


Good for Wes Anderson for having a defined aesthetic and thematic interests that he's not shy about. In spite of his many detractors, his films are always immaculately crafted and he consistently manages to accomplish the rarest of cinematic feats: good comedy. People will gripe about how quirky, twee, hipster, white, etc. etc. (any number of buzz criticisms that seem contained in a single word, as if they were understood and never in need elaboration) -- but wouldn't we all be sad if he were directing Spiderman 7 instead of making films that are personal and original?

Also, kudos to Cannes for letting a director whose films are neither ponderous nor overtly political open the festival.

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