Movies & TV Oct 18, 2012 at 4:00 am

Split: A Deeper Divide: Yep! America's Screwed!

SPLIT: A DEEPER DIVIDE “...WE WON’T GO! Oh, wait. Wrong chant.”


I would really like to explain something to everyone, I have lived in both extremely red and extremely blue states. Blue states are far superior. The people in red states will vote for any white person that is a registered republican, as long as they claim to be christian and are gun fanatics. Nothing else matters, that same person could abuse their children, their spouse, express blatant racism and homophobia (which would only make them more popular), and have nothing but hatred for the working poor and it would not matter they would still get elected. Bible belt republicans HATE science, facts, the news media (except for FOX News), and college educated people. You cannot use logic to argue with these people because they hate that as well. The religious leaders in both red and blue states will blatantly tell their followers that to be a good christian you are obligated to vote republican or you will burn in hell. Intelligent and dedicated people are the only hope this country has but we need more of those people. The GOP knows this and that's why they have nothing but hatred for public education, teachers, affirmative action, feminists, GLBTQ activists, civil rights activists and universities. I hope that Obama wins this election, if he loses we're all screwed.
I am sure we'll come together Nov 6 for a common goal: Throwing Obummer out on his ass.

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