Movies & TV Nov 19, 2014 at 4:00 pm

A Not-That-Smart Movie About a Really Smart Guy

THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING “I’d like to send a probe into your black hole.”


How much have we really changed when it comes to science establishments? Everything from the accelerating universe to the black hole is theorized based on the general theory of relativity, which turned out to be based on self-contradicting non-Euclidean geometry. Think back to the arrest of Galileo or back to Ptolemy and the epicycles. Did the general relativity, quantum road of twentieth century physics and cosmology become a religion masquerading as science? Here is an explanation about the self-contradicting non-Euclidean geometry, which you can understand even if your math education didn't exceed high school geometry:¬if_t=like
Hi Reid,

I don't totally understand what you mean but thank you for reading! Good luck with the math.

- Elinor Jones
Euclidian geometry also has some self contradictions, and is based on number that doesn't exist (pi), and was not masquerading as a religion, but was considered to actually be one. Its okay though, no map is the territory, no model of the universe is the universe, and the best that math and science can do is propose probabilities (which is great and very valuable). As long as we don't convince ourselves otherwise there's a good chance we might not end up being assholes. And plus, Great review!

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