Anonymous May 25, 2016 at 8:46 pm


You're not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, are you?
Only thing worse than the Honey Bucket Blues... The Honey Bucket Browns.
I hope they set a trap for you by leaving the lock off one night and you waddle in with your ass full of junk food and a couple cans of baked beans and a security guard locks you in. That would create an all night funny for you and I'd pay good money to see the video. Oh yeah with no toilet paper would be great too. What a giggler that'd be.
Good grief, you have a lot on your mind.
"I don't like how things are going, so I'm just going to destroy stuff like a big whiny baby with a poopy diaper throwing a big whiny poopy baby tantrum."

-The OP, apparently.
Cmon guys, have a heart. We all know this person can't afford a pot to piss in because they spend all their money on pencils!

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