Anonymous Sep 8, 2016 at 12:27 pm


Shut up, stop complaining, I guarantee that if you make a light crack about how no one likes working, and working sucks they will instantly perk up, cause guest what.....working sucks for them, and for a lot of people in low level service jobs. You are right, they don't give a fuck about you, and couldn't care less what you think of them, and they are also most likely fantasizing about doing horrendously violent things to you, why? Because you can't get it through your head that work sucks, and you have a the unrealistic expectation that you are special, you are not, and plus no one likes you.
I don't mind it that much, heck, I'd rather be left to my own devices than have someone stop and ask me like I need anything. I start feeling self-conscious, like "do I really look THAT confused?" But that's just me and I'm not the picture of perfect conduct. Now, if you're leaving potato chips to spite someone for deciding to maintain the store instead of talk to you, you might have to rethink some things.
*I mean leaving potato chips in freezers.

Yeah, rethink your life if that's what you really do.
Do you like things to be in stock? My guess is yes. They get paid $10.50/hour, that's not enough to read your mind or give you a tour.
You were in the diaper section and wanted someone to talk to. That pretty much tells us all we need to know bro.
two choices - shop somewhere else; higher minimum wage.
Don't worry. Considering how little money they make, they'll all be forced to move somewhere cheaper soon. And the people who can still afford to live in this town can stock the shelves themselves.
They have a big job stocking the shelves. Leave them alone. You could wear a whistle around your neck for more selective attention.
Or just shop at New Seasons where they are required to make small talk and take as much time helping you as necessary to get your every wish fulfilled, even if there are 30 people in line.
"They are all concentrating on their task and whatever they gotta get done for the day."

Because you can bitch and whine since you're too stupid to find a particular item, but if they don't get their shit done there goes their job and the share of the rent for their deep SE barely affordable apartment.
I don't know about y'all, but the mentioned service seems to only come from trashy ass stores. Here's an idea, stop shopping at trashy ass stores.
I haven't noticed this.

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