
I think you're supposed to not be bothered by it because you still get to be a part of the most advantaged demographic in the history of the world?
You already got to vote for Trump, you poor oppressed white guy...and for that you loose your other two wishes.
OMG, you're like, a halfway decent person or something! What do you expect, a gold star and a cookie?
FYI -- Well, does the shoe fit?
I'm a rich, white male, Jarhead. As such, it's pretty easy to let any perceived slight or insult roll off my back because, hey, I'm a rich white male. I think that's where the "privilege" thing comes in. But you and the OP are just so goddamn sensitive. Almost like snowflakes or whatever the alt-right insult du jour is at the moment.
And FYI thinks Jarhead doesn't troll here. Too funny.

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