Anonymous Feb 5, 2017 at 4:09 pm


Or you could put up a fence. Or wait for it to happen, and say something in person instead of passive-aggressively smearing shit on a door. why are people so afraid of confrontation? If this is an issue, which it obviously is, going from 0 to 100 hardly makes any sense. Tell the fuckers to pick up their shit.
A confrontation in the moment is likely to be forgotten by assholes who let their dogs shit in yards without picking it up. They will just move on to the next yard.

But their own dog's shit smeared on their own front door will leave a much longer lasting and potent impression.
I was just about to post the same thing. What if we started smearing their face in. Same trick used to house train a dog
If you call them out in your front yard, you will risk these culprits coming to even the score. I am for speaking up and setting them straight, but I would rather stand in my front yard with a bull horn yelling "take your shit with you". I am not a homeowner, but a little fence,not a big fence will help.
Even in the snow. I'm sick of Portland smelling like dog shit for the first two weeks of spring as all that frozen crap thaws out.
Comment: "Or you could put up a fence. Or wait for it to happen, and say something in person instead of passive-aggressively smearing shit on a door."

Original Post: "At our house, we've been in the habit of calling out to people who leave dog shit in our yard, providing a bag when they claim they "just forgot" one, and generally giving the benefit of the doubt to horrible dog parents."

I can't count the times I have thrown open my front door and shouted out "Hey you going to clean up after your dog?" I get embarressed and angry looks from the irresponsible owners who then have to scoop poop from their pooch.
I own two dogs and I have used anything on hand to clean up after them if I am caught without a bag.
If you don't want to clean up after your dog, don't get one, and if you do, let him crap in your own yard.

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