Fake long finger nails. Loud people. Someone says "nice to see you." Loud guy says, "good to be seen." Backslapping buddies that follow each other. Someone says, "I can't hear with the music blasting." They say they're so hot with the windows up. Plastic cups. Paper cups. Togo cups. Styrofoam cups. Clueless, consumerist people. The cup will be the death of us all. What is in your shit? Well I know it's the same shit in all our shits. Some nastier than others because of the shit they eat and the health they're in. But goddamn! How in the fucking planet earth does your shit land at the back part of the toilet bowl, then dry up as a chunk and get stuck there? How does your shit traject at that angle? Shit for brains. Use your brains. Countless people on a daily basis I encounter have shit for brains. The same shit they shit at the back of the bowl. No logic, no rationale, no math, no science, no language, no communication, no imagination, no creativity, no common sense. So many stupid idiots walking around and somehow have to function in society. If that's how you eat in public with food on your lips and chin, falling to your chest and lap, then wiped of your chest and lap to land on the ground. I cannot imagine what your private home is like. People are nothing but a distraction and complication. So many people just hanging around. In the middle of the sidewalk. On a bench. On the porch. At a coffee shop. Lost. Smoking. Clueless. Doing nothing. Not for a few minutes. For hours upon hours. Nothing. People think this world was made for them.