To the kids who tried to bait me into a fight on my way home.
You were riding your bikes. I was on foot. You asked me for a lighter. When I declined, one of you rode up next to me and hit me with some sort of plank. I barely felt it, but I got the message. I made a point to let you both see me watch you a little closer. You got off your bikes, stood real close and tried to talk me into making a move.
Look, I'm okay if you think I'm a pussy for not fighting. A less patient person could have gotten away with murdering you both in "self defense". Nevermind you both look like 15 year old prep school kids playing gangster. The law is written poorly. You had weapons. I told you several times to leave. I could have hit record, let you step too close, and just let go.
I'm happy no one got hurt. I really do hope you stay safe, but I know you won't. Shit if you're going to be a thug at least get stronger. Or bring more friends and weapons. Don't come unprepared to dangerous games.